Yet another thing that ain't your fault

I haven't lost an ounce. :shrug: Must be the fact that the weights I lift are getting heavier. ;)

I also found that if you avoid frying you tend to lower that fat intake by a huge margin. I try to grill as much as I can. Tastes better, IMO, and is healthier because the fat is rendered out...

The important thing is to convert fat to muscle cos muscles burn more calories, plus a toned body looks a damn sight better than a jelly belly... so weight isn't necessarlly the criteria, but measurements are... you can lose size and be healthier without losing weight. :grinyes:
rare it may be but I'm certain I'm skinny due to genetics

my sister is a skinny lil stick too

and my Wife, her sister and brother are overweight
because of their genetics, a blind man could see it

My Son is a complete rail but my guess is somewhere
in his forties his thyroid will screech to a halt and
he'll blow up like a balloon but I'll prolly be ded
before then...
rare it may be but I'm certain I'm skinny due to genetics

my sister is a skinny lil stick too

and my Wife, her sister and brother are overweight
because of their genetics, a blind man could see it

My Son is a complete rail but my guess is somewhere
in his forties his thyroid will screech to a halt and
he'll blow up like a balloon but I'll prolly be ded
before then...

Genetics are not the same as glandular probems. The tendency to put weight on easily or not does run in families. So does the pattern of behaviour that leads to being obese, but I think I'm proving it can be broken if you re-educate yourself and are determined enough... the key is to set goals and be able to visualize them... I have a vision board and everything I want to achieve, no matter how small, is on it and I keep it in a prominant place so I can remind myself often why I'm doing this. I had a damn good reason to start... my health... but now I have even more good reasons to keep going.

I still have 175lbs to lose to get to 158lbs, but that's way too big a goal to aim for all at once. I started by wanting to lose 20kgs or 44lbs. When I reached that goal I reset it to lose another 50 by 2/2/08... I've got 33 to go and I'll reset it again when I get there. There's a dress and some jeans that are 2 sizes too small, the job I want as I get fitter and able to go out to work. I want to learn to salsa, be fit enough to go to aquafit, go abroad on holiday, visit my brother in Germany, get that motorcycle... so much to do, so little time... and I intend to do every one one of them and more... this is just the beginning... and I know it will get tough sometimes but I'm not going to give up. The ultimate goal, a better more healthy life, is worth it... most of all I'm learning to love myself and to realise that I'M worth it. :)
Fat people deserve to be FAT. On rare ocasions there may be a glandular problem, which is rectifiable, however for the majority of big fat asses, it's pure laziness and overeating, especially the wrong things.
I have never been Fat and I eat anything I want, including red meat. The secret is that I'm physically active, don't drink or do drugs. Eat healthy meals in moderation and have great self esteem.
I know that all you lard asses don't want to do all those things to keep trim and healthy. Don't look in the mirror, cause mirrors tell you what you want to hear, instead let someone take your picture (preferrably nude) because pictures don't lie. The camera sees you as others do.
Good luck tubby.
perhaps you are the 1 in 100 person who could claim to have a glandular condition and back it up...?

maybe you should just go pick up some smokes...

I'm not slovenly, soft & gross. Just a healthy American eating regularly. My job has high levels of activity (ever unloaded 10,000 lbs of freight in half hour without a fork lift?) & I'm not about to add pushups & jogging to that regime. Once I have a heart attack I'll overpay my doctor to fix me up so I can keep eating fried chicken & taquitos & NY Strips.
Fat people deserve to be FAT. On rare ocasions there may be a glandular problem, which is rectifiable, however for the majority of big fat asses, it's pure laziness and overeating, especially the wrong things.
I have never been Fat and I eat anything I want, including red meat. The secret is that I'm physically active, don't drink or do drugs. Eat healthy meals in moderation and have great self esteem.
I know that all you lard asses don't want to do all those things to keep trim and healthy. Don't look in the mirror, cause mirrors tell you what you want to hear, instead let someone take your picture (preferrably nude) because pictures don't lie. The camera sees you as others do.
Good luck tubby.

True, but I personally was chronically depressed for years because of very painful events that have happened in my life, some of which go back to my earliest childhood, so it was not possible for me to escape that spiral before until someone else showed me that they cared enough to help me and not to condemn me. You must treat the cause before you can deal with the symptoms. Now that I understand what made me eat, I can deal with it and I haven't binged for 6 months. I'm also no longer depressed. Not everyone overeats just because they are greedy.
It's all well and good for a skinny person to point the finger and sum up obesity in a nutshell but it simply isn't that black and white.
The majority of the population (myself very much included) are fretting over an arbitrary amount of weight that they would like to lose. That's not obesity.
Obesity means being drastically overweight and it doesn't happen overnight or even over a period of a few months. It's either a life long medical issue or a life's worth of sedentary living or poor nutrition or poor food skills.
It's all well and good for a skinny person to point the finger and sum up obesity in a nutshell but it simply isn't that black and white.
The majority of the population (myself very much included) are fretting over an arbitrary amount of weight that they would like to lose. That's not obesity.
Obesity means being drastically overweight and it doesn't happen overnight or even over a period of a few months. It's either a life long medical issue or a life's worth of sedentary living or poor nutrition or poor food skills.

You forgot the psychological aspect that I spoke of... if you don't deal with that you will never win... I know because I've been there and I'm still dealing with and I'm terrified of going back.
I'm not slovenly, soft & gross. Just a healthy American eating regularly. My job has high levels of activity (ever unloaded 10,000 lbs of freight in half hour without a fork lift?) & I'm not about to add pushups & jogging to that regime. Once I have a heart attack I'll overpay my doctor to fix me up so I can keep eating fried chicken & taquitos & NY Strips.

Ten months ago I was still you (except the exercising but my job's pretty sedentary, I need the activity). Unfortunately, that's not the way it works out. :shrug:

I didn't actually have the heart attack yet (haven't ruled it out though), but I could tell I was about to. After the first stents, I pretty much took the drugs and went on with my life. Two years and one more stent (I need another but they say but they can't put one where the blockage is so they're trying drugs) later I've figured out that I need to cut back on the taquitos and fried food. The steak's probably still okay if it's a lean one and I leave the sour cream and shit off the potato. I'd tell you to do yourself a favor and start now, but I wouldn't have. ;)

Of course, part of the whole cholesterol problem is hereditary, so maybe you're luckier than me and won't ever have any problems. :shrug: Good luck.
Yeah, my cholesterol is raised although I have eaten a low fat diet for years... I'm on statins which have helped to lower it.

One reason I'm losing so quickly is that I've changed the composition of what I eat... increasing lean protein and reducing starchy carbs, but they are still within my balanced dietry limits... this is not the Aitkins diet... I just keep the cars at the lower limit and the protien above the middle limit. Normal limits are 55% carbs, 30% fat, 15% protein... today is 50% carbs, 23% fat and 27% protein. The nutritian tracker on sparkpeople is an absolute necessity to me right now. Although I was eating the right number of calories before I was having too many carbs.
I may be a skinny person pointing a finger but having
lived with a person with a 'weight issue' for a quarter century
I know that while I can sit on my ass & eat
any damn thing I want she can run workout
do more exercise in a week than I do in a year
eat rabbit food and still gain weight.
I may be a skinny person pointing a finger but having
lived with a person with a 'weight issue' for a quarter century
I know that while I can sit on my ass & eat
any damn thing I want she can run workout
do more exercise in a week than I do in a year
eat rabbit food and still gain weight.

I wasn't referring to you, Sweetcheeks.
My cholesterol has been "high" for 25+ years (although, the number I got in the 80s & the one I got a couple of years back are nearly identical). I have zero clue as to my heredity (adopted) so I am the guinea pig.