Yet another thing that ain't your fault


Southern Discomfort
Now obesity is contagious

If your friends and family get fat, chances are you will too, researchers report in a startling new study that suggests obesity is "socially contagious" and can spread easily from person to person.

The large, federally funded study found that to be true even if your loved ones lived far away. Social ties seemed to play a surprisingly strong role, even more than genes are known to do.

Sorry, but I call :bs: We know what causes obesity. It has a whole lot to do with sitting on your ass inhaling Big Macs and your primary source of exercise being using the remote control. And before anybody starts, yes I am aware that certain medical and even hereditary conditions can lead to obesity. I'm talking in general terms here. Your best girlfriend putting on 40 pounds because her couch cushions match the crack of her ass perfectly is no reason you should put on 40 pounds.

James Gregory, one of the funniest comedians I know of, put it perfectly. To paraphrase,

We love a good diet book in this country. We'll sit and eat a whole bag of Doritos while we read a good diet book.

It warms my heart to realize that my tax dollars helped fund this crock of shit study. Once more, no need to worry about a thing America. It ain't your fault. You got fat because your third cousin in Omaha got fat. And she got fat because her husband got fat. Nevermind those 12 beers a night he socks away, that had nothing to do with it. See, his supervisor at work put a little weight on, and it influenced his perception of what normal weight is. So rest assured, this too is beyond your ability to control. No need to get out of the car and physically WALK in to pick up that triple Whopper...just hit the drive through. No greenhouse gases due to your idling SUV with the AC on full blast to cool your sweaty ass down. That ain't your fault either ya know. They oughta make these drive throughs quicker anyway.

One last friendly reminder. The preceding rant was provided for your edification by someone who tipped in at 292 not too long ago. I know a thing or three about fat.
We heard about this last night and prompty turned to each other and exclaimed how it was all the other's fault.
Yeah, I am sure it would go over really well if I turned to my g/f and said "honey, it's your fault I way almost 300lbs. It's your fault that in the 2.5 years we have been dating that I gained 15 lbs to get there." My balls would hurt for a month if I said that to her...

BTW, I really gotta figure out how to get rid of this weight. We have both been working on losing weight this summer (her much harder than me) but it still doesn't seem to want to leave me...
One thing I've noticed is that being surrounded by fat people changes your perception of what's fat.

I used to think my belly was horrible until a year ago when I started to see more and more fat people over here. Now I look at all the people and I don't even feel slim I feel thin even skinny.

Now 100kg (220lb, we used to call that huge) doesn't sound that much either :shrug:
So, it wasn't all the rich food, beer and wine? Cool, I'm gonna stop eating the rabbit food then.

BTW, woodman, I evidently need to be as tall as you.
So, it wasn't all the rich food, beer and wine? Cool, I'm gonna stop eating the rabbit food then.

BTW, woodman, I evidently need to be as tall as you.

My ancestors didn't claw their way up to the top of the food chain to eat carrots and tofu.

Here's a good idea. If you want to lose weight, just eat smaller portions and exercise. ;)
My ancestors didn't claw their way up to the top of the food chain to eat carrots and tofu.

Here's a good idea. If you want to lose weight, just eat smaller portions and exercise. ;)

I've lost 28 lbs. since May. I go to the gym 4 times a week and walk (can't run, knees and ankles won't put up with it) at least three miles on the treadmill almost every day. Actually, the weight losing part isn't that hard, it's the fat/cholesterol that's the problem. That and the absolute neglect of fitness from when I quit racing bikes in '93 through the end of 2005 or so. :D
I've lost 28 lbs. since May. I go to the gym 4 times a week and walk (can't run, knees and ankles won't put up with it) at least three miles on the treadmill almost every day. Actually, the weight losing part isn't that hard, it's the fat/cholesterol that's the problem. That and the absolute neglect of fitness from when I quit racing bikes in '93 through the end of 2005 or so. :D

I haven't lost an ounce. :shrug: Must be the fact that the weights I lift are getting heavier. ;)

I also found that if you avoid frying you tend to lower that fat intake by a huge margin. I try to grill as much as I can. Tastes better, IMO, and is healthier because the fat is rendered out...
Besides avoiding fried food other things to do are:
- Drink water instead of sodas.
- Avoid alcohol beverages.
- Walk.
- Use stairs instead of elevators.
- Cook your food from scratch, no precooked/boxed/canned stuff.
- Eat less in the afternoon/night.
I am trying... we are eating more salad's, especially for lunch and dinner. She goes to the gym at least 3 times a week and works out 6 of 7 days. I muster 3 times a week for 30 minutes/time on the treadmill, but I hate it with such a passion it's not even funny...

I try and play sports when I get the chance, and try to walk as much as I can, i.e. to work in the morning, up stairs, down stairs (no elevator or escalator when I have the chance) so i am working on it, but i still got a long way to go...
Besides avoiding fried food other things to do are:
- Drink water instead of sodas.

Doing that...

Luis G said:
- Avoid alcohol beverages.

Luis G said:
- Walk.
- Use stairs instead of elevators.

Check and check...

Luis G said:
- Cook your food from scratch, no precooked/boxed/canned stuff.

Depends upon whats in the can, but pre-cooked and boxed are a definite no-no.

Luis G said:
- Eat less in the afternoon/night.

I'd like to, but my work schedule has me working different shifts...
I am trying... we are eating more salad's, especially for lunch and dinner.

Do you eat your salads with dressing? I've seen some dressings that are far worst than eating 3 big macs. The dressing sure makes the salad more tasty (for those used to eat lots of fat) but in the end it makes void the whole point of eating a salad.
I am trying... we are eating more salad's, especially for lunch and dinner. She goes to the gym at least 3 times a week and works out 6 of 7 days. I muster 3 times a week for 30 minutes/time on the treadmill, but I hate it with such a passion it's not even funny...

I try and play sports when I get the chance, and try to walk as much as I can, i.e. to work in the morning, up stairs, down stairs (no elevator or escalator when I have the chance) so i am working on it, but i still got a long way to go...

1. If you're not into salads, don't eat them. Just eat your normal fare at a smaller rate. Instead of that 8 ounce steak, have a 6 ounce. Instead of that huge pile of taters and gravy, try just a couple tablespoons. If you are denying yourself anything, the diet will not work.
2. Try an exercise that you like. The stationary bicycle, for instance, or the stairmaster. If all you do is the treadmill, it'll get boring real quick. You can also adjust your time so that you're there with all the eye candy, so you're less likely to pack it in after 30 minutes. (Just don't let the g/f in on that one...;))
I've been big into salads for a while now and I'd like to interject a little hint when it comes to dressings. If you order your dressing on the side at restaurants or pour it into a little cup at home and then use your fork to flick some of the dressing onto the part of the salad you are eating you will find that you use less dressing.
1. If you're not into salads, don't eat them. Just eat your normal fare at a smaller rate. Instead of that 8 ounce steak, have a 6 ounce. Instead of that huge pile of taters and gravy, try just a couple tablespoons. If you are denying yourself anything, the diet will not work.
2. Try an exercise that you like. The stationary bicycle, for instance, or the stairmaster. If all you do is the treadmill, it'll get boring real quick. You can also adjust your time so that you're there with all the eye candy, so you're less likely to pack it in after 30 minutes. (Just don't let the g/f in on that one...;))

I don't mind salad's so that isn't to much of a problem. It is really tough for me to lighten the portions, as I am a big fan of good food.

Excersise wise, the elyptical is actually in our apartment, but we do have a TV in there with only a DVD player, so the eye candy is tough to get a hold of... we'll see though. I may start walking outside instead, so I can at least enjoy the weather while it lasts...
I've been big into salads for a while now and I'd like to interject a little hint when it comes to dressings. If you order your dressing on the side at restaurants or pour it into a little cup at home and then use your fork to flick some of the dressing onto the part of the salad you are eating you will find that you use less dressing.

I've been doing that for 25 years. :D I hate a "drowned" salad. My biggest problems re the caloric intake thing are a) I like to eat and b) I like beer. I actually like salads. I also like sandwiches and typically eat one anymore with either mustard or oil and vinegar as opposed to mayo (Miracle Whip or "light" mayo is not an option). I don't kid myself that any of it is anyone else's fault though.

Woodman, when I excercise I listen to the Ipod. I find the "eye candy" distracts me and I don't exercise as hard as I think I should. I do go for walks or bicycle rides outdoors though. It's a bit hot around here sometimes but if you take plenty of water (everyone knows they should be drinking half their weight in ounces per day, right?) it's not a problem.
I call :bs: on the thin attempt to disclaim this post
in the beginning with:
"certain medical and even hereditary conditions".

I sat on my ass and ate and the highest percentage
of body fat I could ever attain was 13%.

All I did was get outta the chair and bammo right back to 6%.

My wife on the other hand can exercise and eat less than
a mouse and still be overweight.

But yeah being monstrously fat, not just a lil chunky
that takes WORK heh heh.
I've been doing that for 25 years. :D I hate a "drowned" salad. My biggest problems re the caloric intake thing are a) I like to eat and b) I like beer. I actually like salads. I also like sandwiches and typically eat one anymore with either mustard or oil and vinegar as opposed to mayo (Miracle Whip or "light" mayo is not an option). I don't kid myself that any of it is anyone else's fault though.

Woodman, when I excercise I listen to the Ipod. I find the "eye candy" distracts me and I don't exercise as hard as I think I should. I do go for walks or bicycle rides outdoors though. It's a bit hot around here sometimes but if you take plenty of water (everyone knows they should be drinking half their weight in ounces per day, right?) it's not a problem.

I made the most awesome salad yesterday for a meeting. It was mixed greens with shredded carrots, cucumbers, dried bing cherries, spiced roasted pecans and topped with broiled salmon in a maple syrup berry brandy marinade served with a homemade maple syrup mustard viniagrette.
I felt so gourmet :D
I sat on my ass and ate and the highest percentage
of body fat I could ever attain was 13%.

All I did was get outta the chair and bammo right back to 6%.

you an athlete there winky or are you one of those 6' 2" guys that weigh 150 lbs soaking wet, constipated and with bricks in their pockets?