Yet another thing that ain't your fault

My diet works best, drink shit loads of diet coke and then be super hyper all day. That way you burn off all the fat in those tasty burgers. Not only am I the prez I'm also a client. 5'8" 148lbs!
I blame my pudge on my body's need to balance itself so I don't topple over from being top heavy.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
1. If you're not into salads, don't eat them. Just eat your normal fare at a smaller rate. Instead of that 8 ounce steak, have a 6 ounce. Instead of that huge pile of taters and gravy, try just a couple tablespoons.

you're certainly on to something there. americans have absolutely no idea of how many calories they consume and have a serious issue with portion size.
Yeah, well my friends and family can be as fat as they want but they won't influence me anymore cos I just lost another 9lbs in 18 days without breaking a sweat (62lbs total so far) and my friend Carole has actually lost 15lbs since I've been changing to this new more active lifestyle and healthy eating regime... so I guess it's right... as for the jugs I've lost 3 inches off them since the 15th June... LOL

90% of diets don't work btw, because you don't learn new habits and go back to eating and behaving the way you did before you hit your target weight. Lifestyle changes like mine however do. I'm slowly building mre activity into my days so that it becomes a habit and actually I'm really enjoying it. I'm expecting a recumbent stationary cycle to be delivered on monday as I can't walk much, but I've always liked using the recumbent bikes at the sport centre... so now I can cycle while I watch TV to help burn off this fat and firm up my legs and bum and I've got some seated aerobics videos coming for me to have fun with too plus I'm really getting into the strength training again... I can see the muscles developing in my arms. And even though I don't do a lot of walking I still got a pedometer cos I want to see just how far I do walk. :D

I want to be able to learn to salsa when I can walk better, plus go to aquafit a couple of times a week and I'm trying to find out what it takes to qualify as a seated aerobics instructor. Two or three classes a week would help keep me fit as well as help other people, and I'd be doing my bit for the community.
you're certainly on to something there. americans have absolutely no idea of how many calories they consume and have a serious issue with portion size.

Fuckin' A jughead, now get away from them onion rings if you care for your safety.

Eat, drink & be merry, for tomorrow we die.
Eat, drink & be merry, for tomorrow we die.

Why rush the grim reaper into your life, though? If you really must indulge, take the moderate approach. Your stomach is only the size of your fist when empty. Treat it that way.
I don't overeat. I do eat all of it meat, salty snacks, fried foods. Everything, in moderation.
Tell me. When I quit smoking, I gained over 30 lbs in 6 months & intentionally REDUCED over 1000 calories a day from my diet for the first two months. My weight now fluctuates within 2 lbs of my present weight whether I eat steak & potato meals or vege meals.
perhaps you are the 1 in 100 person who could claim to have a glandular condition and back it up...?

maybe you should just go pick up some smokes...
then how'd you get fat? (i seem to remember you complaining about yer weight.)

Because like most people he doesn't eat on purpose probably... that involves turning off the TV and all the other crap and paying attention to what you're eating. Eating has been turned into a leisure activity these days and most people don't eat when they're hungry but when their emotions tell them to. Track what you eat and drink, cut out the unhealthy snacks, control portion sizes, eat on purpose and increase how far you walk in a day(get a pedometer) and you'll lose the weight most likely. Most importantly quit drinking all that soda and drink water instead, a dehydrated body retains water and therefore weight... and all that soda dehydrates you, not to mention all the salt in those over processed foods... I set aside a day a month to make my own TV dinners and put them in the feezer, so I can always have a quick healthy meal ready to eat in minutes.

Add in a bit of aerobic exercise and some resistence training and you'll look great in no time... I don't go to the gym, I can't afford to, I do my training at home, so no excuses... cans of beans make geat dumbells and you can use your own body weight, play with the kids, mow the lawn by hand, do some serious cleaning, walk up and down the stairs a few times, it's all good exercise that burns calories and tones yor muscles.

Look at me... 3 inches off the bust, 1 off my waist and 2 off my hips plus 17lbs in 6 weeks... and I'm enjoying this new lifestyle a lot more than the old one, it's my hip that stops me walking now not my heart or getting breathless and that will ease as I lose the weight... plus despite the fact I'm still 23 stone 8 lbs I've reduced my risk of having a heart attack or stroke in the next 10 years to 6%... I believe that's well below the average for my age... if I hadn't changed I would probably not be here now... it's a lifestyle change you want not a diet... if I can do it, anyone can, you just need to make the commitment, set goals and stick to them... after 6 months it's now a habit with me, which is what it should be... I'm never going to be that fat bastard again, I want to enjoy my life not endure it. Of course you need support in all this and I get that at

I'll shutup with the preaching now... LOL
From the link:
"Obesity is a global public health problem. About 1.5 billion adults worldwide are overweight, including more than 400 million who are obese."

Now as a person who has been skinny as hell all my life...

Has the definition of overweight/obese changed over
the years?

I have my own person measure between what I consider
a lil' chunky and downright disgustingly FAT!

you know, the people who move like mountains?

the ones it seems just living from day to day is a monumental chore?

*crams 3rd hot dog in and washes it down with Pepsi*

Hey what’s for desert?

so if there are 1.5 billion fatties what aboot the rest of us?
Hey what’s for desert?

A nice healthy fruit and low fat yogurt smoothie... naturally sweet... bananas are great for that and they pack lots of potassium that you need for a healthy heart and carbs for energy. :D


1/2 cup of berries or fruit canned in juice, any kind
1 small banana
1 125gram pot of low fat yogurt
1 cup low fat milk

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth and frothy... makes a great breakfast on the go.