well i guess we know how seriously to take her


Well-Known Member
You must take my opinion as gospel I'm a PhD!

lawl now a disabled former machinist on drugs is pwning the Enlightened©


golly you're a sensitive one.

if you're fucked up enough to be able to make sense of anything cato tries to assert... shit man, have you considered therapy?


Well-Known Member
one is never really a 'former' machinist.
yeah, I don't do production, but I use many of the tools of knowledge I learned, near everyday.


too bad the people that made my bed aren't as skilled... i sent them an email offering to come down to LA and show them how to use a plunge router. i don't think they were happy with my tone ha ha...


Well-Known Member
OK you were formerly king of the world

I apologize, you are currently a parasite leeching off society
(as in a recipient of tax dollars not a taxpayer)
that used to make a living as a machinist?


Well-Known Member
Only idiots willingly pay taxes to this corrupt regime

just ask Rangel and Timmy Geithner


Well-Known Member
I will say this...
most of my taxes go to the state, and county.
They are about to raise the mil rate by at least another 1.4, and that'll cost me another 200+ a year.
That goes to firemen, police, parks and leisure, schools..., so I don't mind so much.
Even at the county level there is more waste than I'd like to see though.


Well-Known Member
BTW, minkey...
I've been on this board near 9 years, and posted much of my life...physcal, and otherwise.
Other than opinion, every word to my knowledge has been truth.
If you really want to know....look me up. It's here.


molṑn labé
Staff member
Well golly jeebus whizzed Minks you are prolly 100% correct
that neither she nor any of the others will really roll back
the deficit spending, intrusive government regulation and
bankrupting entitlement preograms.

But then yer side is all for, all of the above.





spread the wealth around. the $5 day. henry ford knew it. revolutionary for its time. and he wudn't no commie. no middle class, no market that makes the world go 'round. but that's okay, the chinese are starting to buy shit. :retard:


Well-Known Member
It's the American way?

deficit spending, profit killing intrusive government regulation
and bankrupting entitlement programs?