Gays get the bum wrap


molṑn labé
Staff member
One last time, I'll point out where the hypocrisy comes together.

Paul said:
we are standing up for the rights of others, against an organised assault to those rights
We-more than one, others-someone not you, organized assault-a group with one (or limited) bearings attacking another.
Then you said
I became part of an organized assault on someones elses ideas

That is hypocrisy. Have any belief you want & defend that belief to the bitter end. Just don't come with the almighty prattle that what you are doing is somehow better than "redneck".

The nazi reference was simple. A tenet of nazism was to impune the ideas of others ("assault someone elses ideas"). Because some don't think that hundreds (thousands?) of years of history should be so easily washed away you did just that. Not as an individual but as a collective (I became part of an organized assault).

Bish, my definition of conceive is impregnation. I should have been more clear & added 'without the use of science'. If there was a major catastrophe we wouldn't be able to use those methods so I improperly assumed that manipulation wouldn't be taken into consideration.

"Homosexuality is a biological error." Since homosexuals cannot impregnate each other (using their preferred sexual types) they cannot procreate. Without procreation, they die off. Nature doesn't much care if it's 2003 AD or 15000BC, the entire purpose of a species is to continue. So it is an error. The hardware has been miswired somewhere. Homosexuals are not an error. They are a product of a heterosexual union. An individual. They can choose to partake in an act that causes the female to become pregnant. That is a choice. So, now we've come full circle, is homosexuality a choice or an error in the the biological wiring?

One of the slippery slopes of gene management is the very option you presented. Once the wiring malfuntion is found, is it moral or ethical to change it? That is a question of profound meaning & discussion.


New Member
Gonz said:
"Homosexuality is a biological error." Since homosexuals cannot impregnate each other (using their preferred sexual types) they cannot procreate. Without procreation, they die off. Nature doesn't much care if it's 2003 AD or 15000BC, the entire purpose of a species is to continue. So it is an error. The hardware has been miswired somewhere. Homosexuals are not an error. They are a product of a heterosexual union. An individual. They can choose to partake in an act that causes the female to become pregnant. That is a choice. So, now we've come full circle, is homosexuality a choice or an error in the the biological wiring?

the difficulty i have with the procreation route is that it infers homosexuality is different from humanity, as if it were a species if its own. they cannot die off because even if they could precreate there is no evidence they would further the homosexual line - it certainly is not the case with heterosexual unions.
instead i think it is simply part of the myriad variety we find in humanity that is part of nature itself - those who are blind, deaf etc from birth.

nature offers us this variety, i think it better to include them as part of humanity than attempt to describe them as somehow less-human.


New Member
i made no reference to an individual, rather a more joyous approach to biology.


molṑn labé
Staff member
No more than saying that someone with 6 toes has an error. It's undeniable. Just because it's not pretty or sensitive doesn't make it untruthful.


New Member
depends on how you see the errors in nature. if nature is full of errors and variety then homosexuality is part of it and therefore humanity.
if part of nature is its variety then homosexuality comes as part and parcel of a normally varietal nature.

you could say that errors are normal so therefore not in fact errors.


Well-Known Member
Gonz said:
No more than saying that someone with 6 toes has an error. It's undeniable. Just because it's not pretty or sensitive doesn't make it untruthful.

i wouldnt say someone with 6 toes or 20 fingers is an error. just different. to me the errors are in the mind(psychological disorders) and in health(sickness)


molṑn labé
Staff member
Biological errors happen quite often, we'll agree. When they are helpful in fulfilling a needed function, they thrive & eventually become normal. That cannot happen with homosexuaity by its very nature. The individual homosexual can flourish
& be a great human. Homosexuality, following "instincts" for same sex coupling, cannot thrive since by it's very nature, procreation is impossible.


molṑn labé
Staff member
freako104 said:
i wouldnt say someone with 6 toes or 20 fingers is an error. just different. to me the errors are in the mind(psychological disorders) and in health(sickness)

Why is it so damned hard to seperate biology from individual? I didn't say the person with 6 toes was an aberration. The fact that they have that abnormality is an error.


Gonz said:
Why is it so damned hard to seperate biology from individual? I didn't say the person with 6 toes was an aberration. The fact that they have that abnormality is an error.
And those damned 6 toe people shouldn't be allowed to marry or adopt infants because once you start giving them equal rights it's a slippery slope until everyone is having sex with animals and dead people with 3 arms right Gonz?


Well-Known Member
OK Gonz...another wrench in your machine... Homosexuals, because of the way they are wired together, chose (unconsciously) to not be physically attracted to the opposite sex. This in no way prevents them from actually going through the motions and potentially concieving a child. Biologically, they can still reproduce, and thus continue their gene-pool.

Homosexuality, in and of itself, is not a bar to procreation and thus, not a bar to it's own continuance. In point of fact...homosexuality changes nothing except libido. This error is minor at best.

To give you a concrete example on how homosexuality will continue to flourish well into the 30th century... until about 10 years ago, homosexuals, in order to hide their sexual preferences married and had kids. They were still gay, but they chose to overcome their natural tendencies in order to fit in.

Now...should they choose to procreate, they can overcome their natural urges and actually have sex with the opposite gender (much like in jail become gay for a period of their incarceration because of need).

Something to think on, non?


100% Pure Canadian Beef
Gonz, you are hopelessly self rightous, adn beyond any rationalization

you see hypocracy where there is none

I've wastd enought time on you, this is th point where I remeber the old saying:

"argueing over the internet is like the special olymipics....."



New Member
Maybe I'm dense, but I can't see a "win" or a prize deservation here. :s Seems like you're quite proud to be so closed-minded, Gonz. :s Nothing personal, just an observation.