Gays get the bum wrap


Well-Known Member
Good morning folx...just got a fax which set me off. It's a petition going against Homosexual Marriage and used several popular arguments...religious and terminological. The one that caught my eye was that "If gays were allowed to be married, this would allow them to adopt. It is well known that despite the fact that only 1% of the population is gay, that 50% of pedophiles are gay" Followed by " Why allow gay men and women to raise the next generation in their own image?" say the least...this ticked me off. They're using two irrationalities and one outright lie to make people sign their petition.

Let's shed some light on the issue shall we?

Pedophilia is not homosexuality, nor is it is pedophilia. You might as well be linking bestiality with either one of the two. "Sir...when you're screwing the you prefer male or female dogs?"

Let's just talk about the statistics of it first, shall we? The numbers are erroneous. In a recent survey amongst convicted pedophiliac, over 80% said that they were heterosexual and preferred sex with the opposite sex (adult) when they could get it. That's a mere 20% for homosexuals... by all means, ban Heterosexual unions...they can adopt too!

To state that Homosexuals who adopt are likely to molest their own kids is preposterous. Ca you imagine going through all that trouble to adopt just to fuck it all up by molesting them. Hmmm?

Parent 16%
Police 13%
Friend/neighbor 16%
School personnel 11%
Other relative 12%
Subject child 3%
Anonymous 3%
Medical practitioners 2%

The statistics point to 28% of victims being related directly to their victimizer. There's still a 72% chance that this wouldn't happen within the family. If you take into affect the gay/not-gay percentages...that would mean only a 5.6% chance of a gay coupling to molest their own kids, as opposed to a 28% chance in heterosexual unions. Hmmm

In the case of homosexuals influencing their kids to be gay as well...well, Homosexuality has been proven to be a non-learned behavior...that is, you can't catch being gay. Homosexuality, although not really narrowed down, tends to be hereditary (the least likely because in order to pass on your genes, you'd pretty much have to be least for one night). or environmental...which wouldn't make a damn difference if your parents are gay or not.

So...with all this in mind...I think that gay couples that want to marry and even adopt...should be allowed to do so. What about you? Think they're getting a bum rap?


Well-Known Member
MrBishop said:
.......It is well known that despite the fact that only 1% of the population is gay.......
Somehow i seriously doubt that. In our class there are 9 boys, of which 2 or 3 are gay. The same ratio goes for everywhere i live... So excuse me while i giggle at their ignorance.


Well-Known Member
It's more than just's false representation and lies...meant to change people's opinions...worts, it's in the form of a petition...which lends it credibility.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I'm with you Bish. The gay people that I know would make better parents than a lot of the married couples I know do.


Well-Known Member
Thanks PT

HEre's another thing...most people who go against the whole gay-union/gay adoption thing focus on gay-male adoption. What about lesbian couples? Two mothers better than none?

I know one gay couple with a son (from a previous marriage). The kid's about 23 now... nice guy, not effeminate at all, no different from anyone else you'd meet on the street. I guess that they must've brought him up right.


Well-Known Member
Bish, do you have a point to make with all these pro-gay threads? I believe this is your fourth.


New Member
i have no problem with gay couples adopting children. kids up for adoption more than any need a stable, loving, household and see no reason why a homosexual relationship can't do that just as well as a heterosexual one.

most of the stuff you were sent is there to misguide and embolden those that already hold prejudice. i would hope the majority of those that recieve it see the bigotry for what it is.


Well-Known Member
there was a really old thread on this. my statement is this: equal rights for everyone. this includes marriage and adoption.


New Member
PuterTutor said:
I'm with you Bish. The gay people that I know would make better parents than a lot of the married couples I know do.

Im with Bishop & Puter - Have some realy nice friends that happen to be gay - and they prolly would make better parents than MOST ppl, I know. But I can't speak for the population that aren't good parents and would do disgusting/unthinkable things to an innocent child. But forth most - if a gay couple wants to marry - and have a child/children , More Power To Them !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Why so many gay threads...because I'm being innundated with it at work...from both sides of the spectrum. I'm letting off a little steam.

Test-tube babies? Adoption...I'd like to see it as well. You know, you can take two ova and fertilize one with the other? Only female babies, but it is possible.


Well-Known Member
MrBishop said:
Why so many gay threads...because I'm being innundated with it at work...from both sides of the spectrum. I'm letting off a little steam.

By inflicting it on us. Thanks bunchs.

Test-tube babies? Adoption...I'd like to see it as well. You know, you can take two ova and fertilize one with the other? Only female babies, but it is possible.

I know that. I also know that without medical assistance, homosexuals cannot conceive children together. Period. And I'm pretty sure that after millions of years of evolution, there's a good reason for it.


Well-Known Member
Professur said:
I know that. I also know that without medical assistance, homosexuals cannot conceive children together. Period. And I'm pretty sure that after millions of years of evolution, there's a good reason for it.

It's called progress Prof... it's not just for gays anymore...what about couples that can't concieve without assistance...low sperm count and all that. Evolution goes in one direction...wether that's the right one or not, is a different matter.


New Member
Professur said:
By inflicting it on us. Thanks bunchs.

you could always not click on the link prof, nothing stopping you from preventing to inflict these threads on yourself ;)


Well-Known Member
Now Ris, you know better than that. The mouse just kinda drags itself over and click on the link. I've nothing to do with it.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Professur said:
Now Ris, you know better than that. The mouse just kinda drags itself over and click on the link. I've nothing to do with it.

Didn't know you had one of those new Ouija mouses, Prof... :lol: :lol2:


Well-Known Member
If you can believe it...I got another faxed Petition

Whereas nature had intended that humanity propogate itself through the sexual union between a man and a woman

Whereas a family in the traditional sence--consisting of a father, a mother, and children--constitute the basis for a stable society

Whereas a child has the right to be educated by heterosexual parnets for his of her psychological development, and this right is invinceable and inalienable

Whereas the current law contradicts these realities;

We, the undersignd, demand the withdrawl of the law that prermits the adoption of children by same-sex couples...

1) Sure...supposed to work that way, but doesn't always work that way.
2) Tradition...hmmm toughie (Just because something has been done for thousands of years doesn't automatically make it right)...look at Slavery, Female Circumcision, racism etc...all 'traditions'.
3) What if they don't have kids? Are they destabilizing to society? What about the death of one of the parents? Is THAT destabilizing...should that be put a stop to? Divorce? Wow...we're fucked!
4) Kids have a right to be educated by heterosexuals for their mental health? If it was only that easy...but there are plenty of disfunctional kids out there...all of them from hetero-families.
5) Of course it's called Equality


In case you want to write to her:

Marie-Lucie Lalande
285 rue de Bellechasse, #304
Montreal, QC H2S 1W7

fax: 514-271-3329


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. So because you disagree with her stand, she's an idiot? That might be viewed as intolerant by some.


Well-Known Member
ill agree with that. for once i am agreeing with prof, but she is sort of sounding intolerant herself