Time for some fun - Guess Who?

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Here's a new game to play as we have to keep logging in every time we come back to site why not post here as a "Guest" first and see if the rest of us can guess who you are? :)
What about a "Guess Who Said It" thread... Post quotes by famous people and see who can guess who said it. It will give us something to think about while we're waiting for someone else to guess the answer to the movie and history threads. :p
Mine would be all too easy to pick out. My posts are characterized with: failure to capitalize, poor subject verb agreement, comma splices out the ass, overly gratuitous use of ellipses ..., bad attitude, and general preachy nature.
k, here's a new one

I'm not a girly-girl but I clean up nice. [wink.gif] I prefer jeans to dresses, sneakers to heels... But I'm gaining more interest in my wardrobe as I lose more weight.