
Contractors get materials for surprisingly cheap.

I know... but that's an awfully big hole to fill.

I'm not saying it would be as expensive as a new window... just that there's plenty of money involved with walling it up as well.
Ink - Here is what i know for sure right now:
Replacement window - $2,700
Installation of the window - $800
Reframing before it can be installed - unquoted
Not having to fucking deal with it ever again - Priceless
WOW I knew stuff was expensive over there, but not that much :eek:

Walling that thing up over here would cost USD$1000 at most (and that's a far bet), including concrete, bricks, steel and labour.
Oh! I don't have a quote for the walling up. I just know it will be cheaper than replacing. It has to be.
I was basing my assumptions on Inky's comment. Thought it might be around the price of replacing it.
Maybe it would be comparable to replacing a normal window but this particular window is an odd shape and an odd size.
We simply can not justify spending that much money on a window we don't even like having, you know?
The thing some of you might not realize is that that's double insulated thermal glass we're talking about. Down there, insulation is as important for keeping cool as it is up here for keeping warm.

And while I love that window .... it's not like that house is gonna miss it. My best estimate is that that house, built here, would have about a third of the windows ... at most. In fact, I'd account a lot of the shifting/settling problems you have to the rather drastic window/wall ratio. You've got maybe 10 columns trying to support the whole damn place ... including that ridiculous roof .... with very little in the way of structure.
It is a pretty window but it does add a lot of sunshine heat and blots out the tv.
We have finally made a decision about the large domed window in the living room. We are going to say "Fuck it" and get rid of it. We can buy an awesome piece of artwork for a fraction of the cost of replacing that flipping thing and then we won't have the trouble of the damn sun shining on the television in the afternoons.

They have these things called curtains.
They have these things called curtains.

Not with this kind of window...that would be most odd.
I dunno what's wrong with all you folks...I agree with the sucker out :D
I'm sure you could get something custom made, or just tint it!

Are you missing the real reason for the walling in? The window is cracked. It needs to be replaced or done away with. Replacement is crazy expensive even more so if you add in the cost of tinting or custom window shades. Doing away with it is much cheaper and we won't miss it.