
Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I've decided it's time to redecorate and tomorrow I'm buying the most gorgeous pair of cream coloured silk curtains for my lounge. :)

One wall will have a really modern wallpaper as a feature, in burgundy, stone and brown, the rest will be in a beautiful pale stone. With cream throws on my sofa and chair, cream, brown and burgundy cushions and eventually I want a cream carpet... and no shoes will be allowed. I'm also geting rid of mst of the nicnaks and pictures on the walls. I also plan on doing an abstract canvas painting or above my sofa.

It's going to look very different to what it is now. My neice seems to think it's going to look very oriental. :D

If you were doing the same, what would you do?
We have finally made a decision about the large domed window in the living room. We are going to say "Fuck it" and get rid of it. We can buy an awesome piece of artwork for a fraction of the cost of replacing that flipping thing and then we won't have the trouble of the damn sun shining on the television in the afternoons.
How will "the neighbourhood" feel about the change in appearance of the house?
We aren't going to tell them. It faces our back yard so it shouldn't be noticable but if it is noticed I doubt it will be an issue. It falls under a repair to structure issue as the settling of the house has caused a large crack in the window....probably due to the fact that the original contractor did a shitty framing job.
How will "the neighbourhood" feel about the change in appearance of the house?

Why would that even be an issue?

It is their property, they can do whatever they want with it.
We aren't going to tell them. It faces our back yard so it shouldn't be noticable but if it is noticed I doubt it will be an issue. It falls under a repair to structure issue as the settling of the house has caused a large crack in the window....probably due to the fact that the original contractor did a shitty framing job.

ah, gotcha :)
Funny you should mention that. That window is right above the tomato garden...we've planted there for the past 2 years with no comments so that should be a testament to the hiddeness of the window.
Why would that even be an issue?

It is their property, they can do whatever they want with it.

Its called a H.O.A. Home Owners Association, and I just had to submit the plans to have a fence installed in the back yard. (it gos in thursday):beardbng:
Sorry Luis, I missed that post. The HOA states that any changes to the exterior structure of the home have to be approved by the architectural committee. They would probably approve it but we are just gonna do it as we don't know who to go to anymore since the old architectural committee leader (our old neighbor) moved.
How much cheaper will it be to take out the window and cover the hole on the outside with equivalent stucco and the correct color paint? Not to mention sheetrock and paint on the inside... unless that's what the piece of awesome artwork is menat to cover. :p
How much cheaper will it be to take out the window and cover the hole on the outside with equivalent stucco and the correct color paint? Not to mention sheetrock and paint on the inside... unless that's what the piece of awesome artwork is menat to cover. :p

Windows are damned expensive...
How much cheaper will it be to take out the window and cover the hole on the outside with equivalent stucco and the correct color paint? Not to mention sheetrock and paint on the inside... unless that's what the piece of awesome artwork is menat to cover. :p

Well, to purchase the window alone will be $2700 without the cost of installation or repair to the I am thinking that the walling it up will be somewhat cheaper.
That last post was in response to Nixy... but I guess it works for response to tonks as well. ^_^