Problems with my puter...AGAIN.


New Member
My computer keeps spontaneously restarting itself when I'm in the middle of doing nothing but writing on Word. It's done it twice today. It's not a major problem yet, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to what it could be (I know it could be a million things). But since I know jack-all about computers...

It can't be overheating, because it was always really cool (temp-wise).

IPH removed the program that monitored the temperature because it turns out that that was the cause of the hanging problem I had a while ago. So I have no real way of knowing, but I'm sure it's not that.

And now IPH has gone to uni, and I'm on my own with no one to save me and my puter :yell: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
you could always do my cure all solution. a format. but then agian it could be some power supply issue....
No way to really tell without actually being there tinkering with it. Its one of those things where you try 1000 little observations and probings to try and focus on the issue via excluson.
Will it do the same thing just sitting in Windows? Will it do the same thing just sitting there in a BIOS screen? Let's see if we can't nail down whether it's hardware or software.
All I know so far is that it was about 2 hours between the two crashes. One at 3pm, maybe, and one at 5pm. I know it's hard to find out what it is, but you all know more than I do *licky licky licky*.

I've been having loads of errors recently too, if that helps. Probably not. You know...those things where it says..."Do you want to tell Microsoft about this problem?" NO I DO NOT WANT TO TELL FUCKING MICROSOFT ABOUT THIS PROBLEM!!!
start simply, run a scandisc & fix the problems. then, run regclean(if you have it)
unclehobart said:
No way to really tell without actually being there tinkering with it. Its one of those things where you try 1000 little observations and probings to try and focus on the issue via excluson.

:laugh: You're so helpful.

Scanty, is he checking in here even though he's at uni now? I wonder if he did anything else besides removing that one program. Last time I talked to him about it, he had changed out all the hardware except the mobo and he said you weren't running any other programs except Microsoft Office. Is there any software besides Word/Excel/Powerpoint/Outlook, and Internet Explorer?
These errors, are they happening when you're running one program specifically, or when you're running several at once, or just sitting at the desktop, or it doesn't matter?
could be RAM, psu, bad board, conflict.. list goes on and on, start in safe mode and run an intensive program, such as prime 95, if it boots could be a hardware issue.
If you're up to it, open the case and remove all cards cept Video and Ram and if it gives no error, add piece by piece until it starts to, then you've uncovered either the faulty hardware or hardware thats causing a conflict somewhere.
If its a specific application, then reinstall it, could be windows too, and sometimes a good ol format helps.
Okay, Justin and Gonz - thanks for the suggestions. :)

If only I knew what the fuck you're talking about... :D

is he checking in here even though he's at uni now? I wonder if he did anything else besides removing that one program. Last time I talked to him about it, he had changed out all the hardware except the mobo and he said you weren't running any other programs except Microsoft Office. Is there any software besides Word/Excel/Powerpoint/Outlook, and Internet Explorer?

He hasn't got an internet connection yet, so I haven't heard from him. The only other programs I've got on here are basically a few media players (real and media jukebox etc), winmx, Logitech Image Studio thingy bobby... don't know if that counts for much.

We thought at one time it could be the webcam, but I don't think so.
which OS you are using?

(a complete list of specs might be handy)
you could take it back to the store, and get another one or a refund.
