

Staff member
Wondering how many mods will be on this site. I see fury, and sbcanada has appointed himself, I saw 3 mentioned at HWC thread.

I'd like to say that I'd think that justintime would be an appropriate 3rd mod, he seems interested in the position, he is on HWC pretty much 24/7, he replies to many questions, sticks with the threads until the problems are solved, and in addition he goes out of his way to search for and post current events to inform others. He also takes responsibility for what he posts from what I have seen and has posted nothing inappropriate or beyond the scope of the board's limits on several boards. That's where my vote goes.
By setting up this board and being the technical administrator of the site this board is on, fury is an admin. Since samcurry owns the site this board is on and offered to host a board for OT'ers on our space and pipe, he is also an admin.

sbcanada is the head mod, due to coming up with the idea in the first place of having a site dedicated to OT (at least, that's what I gathered when I read the feedback forum at the other place - if someone will prove me wrong, I'll gladly humble myself)

That leaves 2 mod positions open, and I agree with your nomination of Justintime. I've never ever seen Justintime step out of line or give false advice or resort to (f)lame tactics in order to get his point across. Plus, he's awake when most of us are all asleep, so no midnight trolls can come by and ruin our fun :D
Fury, glad you cleared it up, sorry to call you mod instead of admin, that is what the board is saying at the moment so that's what I went with, I knew you were higher, didn't know what exactly.

I'll let go sbcanada coming up with it - I think I did a couple of months ago, but not this big and not this time. He can have the glory, I don't need it. :p :D

So is there to be an offical vote, or are posts like this one going to be taken into consideration, or have you guys not got that far yet? I think it's kind of important, as the mods and admins would set the tone of the board, especially in the beginning.
No biggie. I had to set myself up as moderator of that forum until we had some mods to fill the position. I don't care what I'm called :D

We're planning to have mods nominated and voted in by the members, so that the moderators effectively represent the kind of person the members would like to see run the forums
Check out my Gavel... doesn't it make me seem so... judicial? :D

Future Mods will be voted in. We'll probably create a Poll with every nominee listed, and members can choose who they want as Moderator.

We'll have to wait a while until we establish a membership base before we can have elections.
I don't care who the mods are as long as they don't mess with my posts. I never get out of line. As for who started this idea, I feel the need to set the record straight. Back when Toolbox ejected us OT people out of the General forum at HWC, I was among the members that originally suggested a seperate forum at HWC. I lobbied long and hard to get it. I had no idea that certain people were going to act like they did.
And the glory goes to *drumroll* s4 and members of the period! (which, sadly, I missed as I just leapt into the nineties in Jan. 2002) :)
I'm just telling you how it came about. I am not looking for glory. I am stating the facts. If I wanted glory I would have accepted the admin position when sbcanada offered it yesterday before Sam came along and offered to host it. If you read the thread at HWC, you will see that I declined it in the first place. If I had really wanted glory I would of run right out and got some hosting myself to do this. I didn't do any of those things.
Alrighty, then. ?( I realized all of that when I read your post here but I didn't realize that you were SO serious. I will not quip any more. :)
It doesn't really matter who's idea it was. What DOES matter is who helped to create this forum. Fury and Sam Curry deserve the most credit, followed by myself... :D
I just decided to give L. Summerton the biz. 8o

I was off reading something else and forgot all about it. :D
Originally posted by s4
I just decided to give L. Summerton the biz. 8o

So was it good for you? Are you done yet? :p

You can't truly be that serious, can you? I haven't seen many of your past posts/threads so I don't yet know where you're coming from. I guess I'll find out. Looking forward to it. :D
I can get very serious if I really want to, but not over the glory of this board. :D

If you want to know more about me, go to the forums at Xibase. I post all kinds of news stories over there. Once in a while I start a serious topic about world affairs. I have 3700 posts over at HWC but unfortunately half of them were in the OT forum and are gone. No, I am not that serious about stupid things. :p
Glad to hear it! :) I've browsing Xibase (lurking more like it) for the past month or so, haven't gotten around to joining yet but having looked back this afternoon, it was your posts that made me want to join to reply. We'll have some interesting chats, likely. :D
Are you searching for mods based upon the HWC old guard types? ..or are you looking for pretty much anyone who has had such a job before from any number of related sites?
Originally posted by unclehobart
Are you searching for mods based upon the HWC old guard types? ..or are you looking for pretty much anyone who has had such a job before from any number of related sites?

Any member can be a moderator, but it's the population who will make the descision to hire you or not. :)
You can can run your own little campaign if you want, but don't spam my board with "Vote for me!" posts. :D
No offense Unc, but we might as well make JJR a mod. You have 10k posts over there.
I think voting in new mods is the way to go.

I'm sure there will be quite a few willing to offer their help once the word is out in force at HWC, but you can go ahead and put my name on the list.