Me and my bride:) Yep I got hitched this weekend!

ol' man

New Member
Here we are! Its all you get!
She is a student from S. Korea.


weddingpic.jpg, 5.80kb

Thanks and yes she is.

Her whole family flew over from S. Korea. We went on a trip afterword with her parents to Mt. Rushmore which is about 8 hours from where I live and 6 hours from where we were married!
congrats ol'man, she is a beautiful bride.

So when do you start teaching her the ways of intel? :D
I'm so sorry. You should have said something before, we could have had a chance to warn you. Alas, it's too late.

She is gorgeous though, got any sisters?
congrats!! wish you and the missus the best. rock on and take care of yourselves. hope all works out well for you guys.