It's been a while...


<b>mod cow</b>
since I worked on a lathe the last time! :)

Today I had to start work for some project we're currently doing. It's combining theoretical background with a test-stand we've gotta develop ourselves :)

The thing shown on the imagine is basically nothing yet, but all the scattered metal looks nice :D
I'm taking pictures during the whole project, so if things DO get more interesting I'll post some other pics...
Things can go really wrong sometimes with these kind of things, providing nice photo-material :D


dsc00071.jpg, 84.53kb

Here they are..not very interesting, but you requested it :)
Plus this is the easy kind of work...still working on the rest...:D


dsc00098.jpg, 32.75kb


dsc00102.jpg, 45.50kb


dsc00104.jpg, 36.14kb

That shotglass on top could hurt a person after they've had a few.
:hmm: I know I love to spend thousands of dollars of tuition to make shiny metal drinking glasses!!! :D

Now, make us somethign useful! Like a plane! :D
I'm just joking Shadow. They are beautiful "cups", very nicely polished.

I just don't quite understand what they're for.... :confuse2: