I awoke to thunder...


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
that shook my entire house. Windows rattling, bed shaking. This was Sunday morning, and of course, I leap out of bed, and run into the puter room to start shutting down, got mine down, when BOOM! another jolt. On that one my second puters monitor went black. I killed the power at the surge protector and went back to bed.

When I got back up, I tried turning it on, and it wouldn't, so I pulled it out, and started testing, pulled the modem out, and it had literally blown chips off of the chip on the modem. 5 little divets on the chip. So I pulled the modem out, hooked it back up and it booted! No sound, No Nic, apparently took out the entire PCI bus, It has an AGP graphics card, and that works, but nothing on the pci bus does. So now I get to go motherboard shopping I guess.
I hate thunder storms. :( I always run down the stairs panicing. I have installed a switch though that I can pull and cut off power to my sanctuary immediately.

Bad luck friend :(
Sorry to hear that. Hey, it's an excuse to upgrade, right?

This is why I have 4 UPS's in my basement.
Exactly HomeLAN, a good reason to upgrade. Have you ever heard of losing the entire pci bus and the computer still booting just fine though, I mean no error messages or anything, just the pci stuff doesn't work anymore, doesn't show up in device manager or anything.
Wierder things have happened. If you do a hardware detection, will Windows pick the stuff back up?
Nope, tried that, in Add/Remove Hardware, they are just gone. Went into the Bios as well, nothing there either about disabling the pci bus or anything. (Didn't think there was, but you never know.) I've tested the other cards, and they work just fine in my other machine, so the only card to get toasted was the modem. I'll try to take a pic of it tonight, it looks pretty wild.
That's ironic, I just got a laptop in with similar symptoms. They said they plugged in a digital camera and that everything went black. Now it's not detecting the display adapter, modem, NIC and there's an exclamation on the Direct Memory Access Controller in device manager. It's not under warranty either. I think it's time for a Supply Requistion for a new laptop. :)

Oh btw Puter, your thread title reminds me of the Bob Seger song Night Moves. :) I've got a nice brand new motherboard for a P4 at home if you're interested. (don't ask why I have it ;) )
Is your UPS one of those with the $25,000 guarantee against lightning damage? If so, just remember me when you collect... ;)
The phone line didn't go through the ups, and that was where the surge came from. SO, Sorry house-boy, no new towel for you.The phone line didn't go through the ups, and that was where the surge came from. SO, Sorry house-boy, no new towel for you.
What about your surge suppressor. You were using one, weren't you? And it did have a modem hook-up didn't it? [/siz] :D
Ok, let me tell you a little dumbass story about myself. I have DSL. Have had it now for almost a year. Friday, apparently the server here in town went down, so I couldn't connect, they SAID it would be sometime Saturday before the DSL would be back up, but Dial-Up still worked, because that goes to the next town over, and they weren't having any problems. Well, I haven't had a phone line plugged into my computer for over a year, since the DSL came in. So, I took the phone line, put a splitter on it, and ran a wire into the back of my wifes puter.

Yes, I use surge protectors, Yes they have phone line surge protectors built in. No, I didn't run it through the surge protector, because I was only going to leave it plugged in until the DSL got fixed. It's Monday now, it still wasn't working when I left the house at 5 this morning.

And Yes, House-Boy, that is why I'm stuck in the FUCKING cabana.
Temper, temper. I am truly sorry for your loss. I was just suggesting alternatives to digging deep into your own pocket when somebody else with deeper pockets is right next to you...
(obligatory rant)

Please tell me you're getting an AMD system...
No, The P4 is still good, the memory, hard drive, video card, and sound card are all still working fine. Think I'm going to have to just get a new motherboard for now. This is my wifes as I said.

My system is an Athlon XP 1800, wouldn't have anything else. ;)

btw, didn't mean to make it sound like temper, sorry.
Oh, shit, it's your wife's machine? Don't know how things work at your place, but that would make it priority freakin' one for me.
HomeLAN said:
Oh, shit, it's your wife's machine? Don't know how things work at your place, but that would make it priority freakin' one for me.

It's right up there on the list, yep.
when my missus' monitor went a couple of weeks ago it was made clear what would get her off my back. and what had put her there in the first place ;)