Former smokers


molṑn labé
Staff member
Not you "I smoked for a year & didn't really like it types" but the true former smokers who liked it & quit anywy.

How long before these "I want a cigarette NOW" cravings go away? At this point, cig free for 30+ hours I, for the life of me, have no idea why I quit.

I did all the stuff I had to do just so I wouldn't have an excuse to leave the house, because if I leave I'm buying a pack of smokes.
i started smoking when i was 14 years old...i have quit several times...boot camp, confirmation of pregnancy, and lastly because i just didn't like it's been about almost 2 years...i still crave cigarettes but i know it is because of an oral fixation (hold your rude comments please :) ) so i have a lollipop habit now i do smoke pot some so that helps with that....keep up the good work gonz and remember all the money you are saving.
HomeLAN gave up cigs a long time ago and says that the cravings have yet to subside. I think they have intensified even after 2 years of being clean.
Don't bother with any of that nictotine replacement just prolongs the agony :eh:
i smoked for about 15 years and quit almost 10 years ago. it took about 2 years for the cravings to go away. i still get a craving once in awhile, but they are very rare and go away quickly.
stick with it Gonz.quiting anything addictive is painful in some form or another but its worth the pain and effort in the long run.
Like spot said, the mental need for a cigarrete takes a while to go away, it took about a year for me, by the 2nd year it was rare, by the 3rd i began to hate it, and now I can't stand the smell.
It's been about 12 months (-ish) since I last had a cig. I really feel strong cravings every now and then esp when I am very stressed. However, I ignore them/go online and they eventually pass.
Let me get this straight...

72 hours of pure hell followed by 1, 2 3, more years of cravings? What the hell am I doing? Get me a cigarrette. :brush:
Gonz said:
Let me get this straight...

72 hours of pure hell followed by 1, 2 3, more years of cravings? What the hell am I doing? Get me a cigarrette. :brush:

Erm.....yer hopefully not dying of throat cancer Gonz (if yer stop that is)
Don't go to the cancer place...I'm ready to argue like there's no tomorrow :D (no direct evidence of a absolute link between smoking & cancer).

I was just arguing with my wife that the dumb ones in DWI/DUI accidents are the straight people. They should have seen it & reacted beforehand.
Gonz said:
Don't go to the cancer place...I'm ready to argue like there's no tomorrow :D (no direct evidence of a absolute link between smoking & cancer).

lol......I've done all the arguments Gonz. I'm a "wanna stop" smoker, had 3 attempts last year.

My argument (to myself) is "how much of a fucking idiot am I gonna feel if I'm on a respirator/undergoing chemo therapy/having limbs amputated in another 5/10/20 years" :eh:
Oz said:
lol......I've done all the arguments Gonz. I'm a "wanna stop" smoker, had 3 attempts last year.

My argument (to myself) is "how much of a fucking idiot am I gonna feel if I'm on a respirator/undergoing chemo therapy/having limbs amputated in another 5/10/20 years" :eh:
yeah...that too.....but my big thing was the $3 a pack and one pack a day....that's $21 a week...$42 dollars every two weeks...
my pot costs less than that.....crazy.....
I just about flipped when I was in the hospital for a month.
I finally got them to give me a patch, and it really did the job.
If I had continued along with it, stepping it down like it's meant to
be used, I probably could have quit for good.
About a week before I got out, and hadn't smoked for the previous 3 weeks,
I didn't have any craving at all, and I decided to just cold-stop using
the patch. (didn't think I needed it)
The first breath of fresh-outside air, and It smacked me in the face
like a scorned woman. I had to have one right then, and there just
happen to be a person right there with one.
I liked it so good, I decided not to even try to quit again, until, or unless, I had to, like I did drinking.
Now if the doc told me (like in my drinking situation) that If I didn't
quit right then, I'd only have a month to live (on the outside),
I'd drop it like a hot potato, and exhaust every means to stay away
from it, buuuut....
Hasn't happened as of yet, and i do really enjoy it.
Oz said:
lol......I've done all the arguments Gonz. I'm a "wanna stop" smoker, had 3 attempts last year.

My argument (to myself) is "how much of a fucking idiot am I gonna feel if I'm on a respirator/undergoing chemo therapy/having limbs amputated in another 5/10/20 years" :eh:

Granted, your obsession, that is. May or may not be due to cigarettes though. How about the 7 year old in the same predicament. Or the bicycle racer. The mountain climber. All while the 3 pack a day couch potato gets no worse than a chest cold.

Mines mainly financial. After 30 years it's time to see what all teh non-smokers are whining about :D
Gonz said:
Mines mainly financial. After 30 years it's time to see what all teh non-smokers are whining about :D

Finance doesn't really bother me (please don't take that as an egotistical statement)..........but my personal health has suffered a bit ..........go try to do a five mile jog, yer'll see what I mean ;)
Gonz said:
After 30 years it's time to see what all the non-smokers are whining about :D

I did quit smoking for that very reason for about 9 months once.
I could see what all the non-smoker commotion was about. I could stand
to be around it sometimes, but if someone actually blew it in my direction,
that I couldn't take.
Even now because of it, I am very conscious for they people around
me when I'm smoking, and if I'm at someone else's house I never even
think of firing up inside. I always say I'm gonna step out, and then if
they don't mind, I'll light up inside. I they don't say anything, I'm on
my way out.
Everytime I quit, I'm the most boring person in the world because I have to quit all my triggers as well - drinking .. coffee... sex :O - and the one thing that does me in ... FINALS! Pulling allnighters ... needing that coffee .. then, just one cig .. then two ... then, after finals, BEER!!! ... then one more cig ... another .. next thing you know, I'm a fornicating coffee and beer drinking smoker all over again :D
Oz said:
go try to do a five mile jog, yer'll see what I mean

That's the thing. I never could run. Even as a kid I got winded when I ran. I could bicycle 50 miles & never break a sweat. As an adult, we'd go hiking & I'd leave the non-smokers in the dust. Even above 7,000ft. Running & I just never saw eye to eye.
Gonz said:
That's the thing. I never could run. Even as a kid I got winded when I ran. I could bicycle 50 miles & never break a sweat. As an adult, we'd go hiking & I'd leave the non-smokers in the dust. Even above 7,000ft. Running & I just never saw eye to eye.

Fair play :) 'tis true that smoking seems to effect some folks health more than others.