A "Me to" thread. The mother of all cheesy/bad/melodramatic poems.


New Member
Is destinies choice for me to live in such a wretched place?
Sleepless nights, unfilled dreams.
This isn’t how its supposed to be.

The whole world seems tainted, dreary, and prolonged.
Ruined by the ghost of this once love.
A life no longer recognized.

Your presence is cruel and unrelenting.
Serving only as a promise of what could have been.
Love, laughter, playfulness…

An observer of times passage, I participate no more.
All options exhausted, all avenues explored.
The only course yet untraveled…..a life of quiescence.

Forging ahead, forever changed.
Forever holds the sound of your voice,
..the look of your face,
……the feel of your touch.

If capable of ripping out this heart, locking it forever away,
Not an instant of hesitation would pass.
For the future would see your influence no more.

Locked away in a dead mans chest.
Dormant and silent.
Sealed within loves memory.

In that dark and secret place, where all great memories reside..
Childhood fantasies, teenage musings, hopes lost, and the treasures of a life time.
There you would remain.

I do not know if fates fortune twice yields.
I wait for a kindred soul.
Life’s pursuits deferred.

Afraid of nothing, wanting nothing.
….I live no more.

I dunno...train wrecks are sorta interesting. Bits and pieces strewn everywhere, lotsa dirt and debris.
Did browneyedMAC join OTC for:
a) the community here
b) heckling the ex-date?

Enquiring minds wanna know.
What I can't understand is why AE/AS told Mac and Piper about this joint - not that I mind, of course. I just don't see how it was a good move for him...unless he wasn't planning on sticking around.
tonksy said:
What I can't understand is why AE/AS told Mac and Piper about this joint - not that I mind, of course. I just don't see how it was a good move for him...unless he wasn't planning on sticking around.

None of the above, just couldnt stand to see the poor souls wasting away in spammed out chat rooms when there are places so much more interesting to post (IE...here).

Ill send who ever else needs direction to same. :toast:
Sure, sure. Point your exes in this direction. Nothin' like having an ex around to liven things up.
*note to self : avoid looking like a sad git posting on an ex-BF/GF's site
BeardofPants said:
Sure, sure. Point your exes in this direction. Nothin' like having an ex around to liven things up.
*note to self :pavoid looking like a sad git posting on an ex-BF/GF's site

Too late...:D
BeardofPants said:
Sure, sure. Point your exes in this direction. Nothin' like having an ex around to liven things up.
*note to self : avoid looking like a sad git posting on an ex-BF/GF's site

You have an ex-GF?
BeardofPants said:
Fuckssake, get a fucking room. Nobody wants to see your squabbling anymore than we want to watch a train wreck. *handonhips

b.o.p. : sorry!! *lol* she cracked me up, it wasn't even directed towards ab/ae, whatever he is on here
Leslie said:
Did browneyedMAC join OTC for:
a) the community here
b) heckling the ex-date?

Enquiring minds wanna know.

browneyedMAC joined OTC b/c i was assured there were lots of interesting ppl, the heckling ex - date is just a bonus... :grinyes:
and i can promise you all, i won't be taking pot shots at ab/ae, whatever. first, that's just not my style...second, i've got better, more direct, more creative ways of getting back at someone if and when i have to.....and third, what i can't handle, my uncle guido can!! *lol*