Your job


Staff member
What do you do for a living? What sort of thing do you wear to work? What are your typical hours? Do you enjoy your work? Is it something you're interested in? Or is it a means to an end? (the end being $$$$)

-I'm gonna be a junior engineer/engineer in training as of Monday doing a combination of office and field work
-In the office I assume I will have to wear your typical office type attire...dresspants/skirt/dressy capris and a nice blouse/shirt and in the field I am relatively sure I can wear jeans and a decent shirt
-I'll probably beable to start anywhere between 7am and 9am when I'm in the office and we work 7.5 hour days
-I enjoyed all this stuff while I was in school so I hope I'll enjoy it now.
What do you do for a living? I'm a Graphic Designer working mostly on the print side, but I occasionally do something for the web-site. I'm also called upon to write slogans, tag-lines and descriptions of product.

What sort of thing do you wear to work? Casual Dressy - slacks with a collared shirt or golf shirt. Not allowed blue jeans or shorts (which is a pain during the hot days...oddly enough, women are allowed to wear shorts *I guess that the boss doesn't like hairy legs)

What are your typical hours? 8h30 - 17h00 with the odd overtime

Do you enjoy your work?'s fun working with pictures all day. Mucho requirements for creativity and innovative problem-solving

Is it something you're interested in? Or is it a means to an end? (the end being $$$$) I've been itching to be a graphic designer for years...I look forward to going to work.:beardbng:
MrBishop said:
I've been itching to be a graphic designer for years...I look forward to going to work.:beardbng:

Dare I say it??? Naw, I'm not gonna tell you I told you so .... 20 years ago. But I am glad you finally found your niche.
What do you do for a living?
Today i herded sheep. At least that's what it felt like I was doing. I got to use my angry-voice a couple of times. And I got a hug. After that, there was chocolate, and the attempts of drinking coffee - which I don't really like. Worked with chocolate though.

What sort of thing do you wear to work?
Whatever I have that's clean.

What are your typical hours?

Do you enjoy your work?
Most of the time.

Is it something you're interested in?
It matches my education.

Or is it a means to an end? (the end being $$$$)
Doesn't pay that well, but still more than I've ever had before.
Professur said:
20 years ago. But I am glad you finally found your niche.
That was a whole different time. It was you vs. my father's opinion. :shrug: Then again, 20 years ago I had a faint inkling that I wanted to teach.

I'm glad that I did get that niche as well. :D
MrBishop said:
A sheep gave you a hug?!?

You're not part Scottish are ye? ;) j/k

No, no, no the scots do MUCH more than hug the sheep and the sheep definately wouldn't be approaching a scotsman :grinno:
Nixy said:
No, no, no the scots do MUCH more than hug the sheep and the sheep definately wouldn't be approaching a scotsman :grinno:

Are you really sure about that? What makes you so sure they don't enjoy it too?
I'm a teamster. I do as little as possible wearing whatever I please (within reason), make too much money...especially when it's overtime week...and piss & moan about the working conditions-constantly.

How's that Prof?
I'm a corporate controller for a small commercial lender in Atlanta. It's my job to say no, to cut costs, to watch the bottom line, and to make sure we have enough cash to operate. Since we're small, I'm also the human resources guy and I play backup on anything and everything as needed.

In short, when some damn Teamster like Gonz wants to "stick it to the man", I'm the man.
HomeLAN said:
In short, when some damn Teamster like Gonz wants to "stick it to the man", I'm the man.
I'm gonna file a grievance for harassment :p
Gonz said:
I'm a teamster. I do as little as possible wearing whatever I please (within reason), make too much money...especially when it's overtime week...and piss & moan about the working conditions-constantly.

How's that Prof?

You forgot blatently offend coworkers :D
alex said:
You forgot blatently offend coworkers :D

That's my job here.

HomeLAN said:
With whom, Hippy? I'm HR, remember?

Get a haircut.

With my union steward who'll turn it over to the union guy who then brings it back & sits down with the owner,,,,or something like that.

Haircut-schmarecut, I want more time off.

Professur said:
You can't. You can, however, go out on strike in support of someone who works for him.
I can't strike in support but I can not cross the picket line.

I wonder, should I tell anybody there that I've a history of scabbing?
What do you do for a living? I work in the Tireshop at Costco ,although I'm currently doing a stretch as the overnight F/A attendant ,so they have me stocking shelves(have you ever seen the size of Costco product packaging :eek5: )

What sort of thing do you wear to work? When in the TS I wear a supplied Uniform Blue pants/belt and Blue short sleeved shirt.Overnights I get to wear my Farside T-shirts and bluejeans.

What are your typical hours? TS varies anywhere between 10a.m. -10p.m..Overnight 10p.m. -6:30a.m.

Do you enjoy your work? Hell yeah,it pays bettewr than most of the jobs I've had and there is plenty of variety if I get restless in one Dept. I can transfer to something else should a position open up.

Is it something you're interested in? Or is it a means to an end? (the end being $$$$) I enjoy the TS ,but its not something I plan on doing for ever.I hope to take some schooling when time/finances allow.
A.B.Normal said:
What do you do for a living? I work in the Tireshop at Costco ,although I'm currently doing a stretch as the overnight F/A attendant ,so they have me stocking shelves(have you ever seen the size of Costco product packaging :eek5: )

What sort of thing do you wear to work? When in the TS I wear a supplied Uniform Blue pants/belt and Blue short sleeved shirt.Overnights I get to wear my Farside T-shirts and bluejeans.

What are your typical hours? TS varies anywhere between 10a.m. -10p.m..Overnight 10p.m. -6:30a.m.

Do you enjoy your work? Hell yeah,it pays bettewr than most of the jobs I've had and there is plenty of variety if I get restless in one Dept. I can transfer to something else should a position open up.

Is it something you're interested in? Or is it a means to an end? (the end being $$$$) I enjoy the TS ,but its not something I plan on doing for ever.I hope to take some schooling when time/finances allow.

A friend of mine just started doing meat packing at Costco. He enjoys it, gets 35-40hrs a week so he's happy. Oh, and the friend is my ex Vince whom many of you have heard about.