You lucky, lucky Americans...

Is this soccer? I don't get that here. Fraid I won't be able to give a damn one way or t'other. Sorry.

Oh no don't understand. This is the BECKHAMS. You don't have to be interested in his sport to be infiltrated. They will spread and conquer your country. Penetrate every area of your media. They'll have a reality TV show before long. Victoria Beckham will have her own chat show. Brooklyn Beckham will have his own clothing company. Romeo will have a perfume. You'll be buying the Brand Beckham without even knowing you are........
Brooklyn is a boy? WTF kinda name is Brooklyn for a boy...that's like...well, Paris for a girl.
What sad names for kids. They will grow up to have a complex. They need real names like Gilgamesh, Ajax... and BigBlock... nice girly names. Now if its a boy... hmm... something like !!CORBA!! ... just like that... 4 exclamations and all caps... nice legal name... really says 'future MP'.

If I had 3 boys I'd just call them Jim1, Jim2 and Bob.

The little Beckhams will most likely grow up with American accents and turn to Hollywood stardom before long. I mean, it's LA after all. It'll be the Osbournes all over again.

Jesus. You do like the scary ones don't you tonks :D

And yes that does include you Hobart.
a) there is a Lourdes in my kids' school
b) ANYone who can make it so I don't have to see those skanky assed Britney/Lindsay/Paris/Nicole whoeverthehellelse whores is very welcome in my book.