Working on the conversion to phpBB2


Staff member
We're going to be moving to a faster and less buggy bulletin board software soon, phpBB2, so I'm just giving you guys and gals an update on how the conversion to phpBB2 is going.

I'm working on a converter for the attachments, and I will find some way to get the polls converted as well.

Since I'm testing the conversion on my own system which is on Win2k, I have no idea if I'll be able to convert avatars yet, because you can't change file or directory permissions in Win2k like you can in Linux, so avatards and smilies wouldn't copy over (the smilie list in the database copied fine, just the files didn't)

So, once I finish the attachment and poll converter, and I feel I can sufficiently cover all the bases such as getting most of the user and post data over to phpBB2 without leaving out too much stuff, I'll close this board so I can do the real thing.

If there's any of you that know how to code PHP and MySQL, your help would be greatly appreciated. :headbang:
Why don't we just discard the free crap and get ourselves a copy of vBulletin and be done with it.

I would pay my share of the cost. :anibang:
leased is 80.00 usd for a year only.
owned is 160.00 usd lifetime plus 30.00 a year for updates and support.
Originally posted by Anakin
Why don't we just discard the free crap and get ourselves a copy of vBulletin and be done with it.

the board needs to be converted to phpBB2, only then you can convert it to vB.
I'd be willing to put in about $20 US... about 13% of the lifetime license fee. I sure do not make up 13% of the membership here. :D
Yep, we would've had to get phpBB2 anyway.

I ain't gonna be done even after I get phpBB2 working, because now I'll have to write an attachment converter for phpBB2 to vBulletin :eek:
Alright, alright, you found me out. :(

I love to fix stuff. Sometimes I break it just so I can fix it :D

But I honestly didn't purposely break the WBB... too much[/siz]