Why?? Just tell me why??


New Member
I would've figured out a great poll for this, but couldn't figure out how to make a poll, lol.... Anyways... why, oh why, do people insist on talking on the phone in a public bathroom.... Things are gross enough in there, then you have to listen to wierd people talking on the phone, woman nearly scared the shitaki outta me (no, the pun is not intended, ha ha ha...) when she started yelling at her mother over the damn phone.... Or the times you here, blah blah blah, love you, hold on *flush*.... ya, wanna get some food in a minute *door closing*.... please note absense of handwashing .... just sick... so, why??
Stop Laughing said:
It's the perfect time to let one go, you'll embarrass the one on the phone more than you'll embarrass yourself. :D

It's been done.... by the person on the phone.... they don't even miss a beat... Do guys do this too? :alienhuh:
Unfortunately, yes. My normal response is to continually flush the can. Over and over and over and over and....
I go UUUNNNNNNGHHHH!!! at the top of my lungs and then throw a boot into the toilet. Ker-splash! That tends to throw em off.
HomeLAN said:
Unfortunately, yes. My normal response is to continually flush the can. Over and over and over and over and....

Yelling out that your ass is bleeding works too.
Yeah, but with my luck a coworker would enter the bathroom at that exact moment. We call that a career limiting maneuver.
No, but I'd still never live it down. BTW, he got me Sacred for my B-day. It looks like it completely rocks, and it's coop LANable.
Professur said:
They had guns in the Old Testament?

Damn, I really have to get copy of that New American Bible.
If you like that... wait until you see the brainsucker aliens with laser eyes.
unclehobart said:

Is that the FPS based upon the Old Testament?

No. It looks like a D2 type, but it needs serious juice to run. He's played the demo, and said that the graphics were gorgeous, but it was locking down his dual 600 with 64 MB Video card.
There's nothing more about your laptop. Odds are it's all the same form, so go with the manual I sent you .... if you need to strip it.
Professur said:
There's nothing more about your laptop. Odds are it's all the same form, so go with the manual I sent you .... if you need to strip it.

I hope I never ever ever need to open it up...my preeeeecious