what's next what's next what's next?

no gonz, apparently in DC
it's like....


see it's those unknown 'projections' that get ya. ;)
i fully agree that the budget/gov is too big, and that some of the potential cuts are pretty simple/obvious.

there are still a few things we need government to do. and there are still strategic decisions to be made about the economic development of the US that are vastly beyond a ballcock jockey. and the immediate self-interest of private business. like real space exploration, not buzzing around the earth with david geffen on an $8000 flight to be in zero gravity for 30 seconds*.

*wanna buy a car?
man....all those trillions.

I'd prefer to think somebody...cia, fbi, area51, somebody put a good chunk
of that into , oh, ...defense, disaster prep, or some kinda tech we don't know about yet,
rather than just pissing it away, but...
it's real hard to be optimistic about it, even for me.
What with the lying, greed, and stupidity on DC these days.:crap:
Yes, we need a federal government. The umbrella protections offered by a federal system are well known & needed. Post roads (now called interstates), mail (although this is quickly losing to private corporations) & the military (even this is somewhat questionable...is the US Gov't authorized to have a full time standing army?). Of course, there's the State Dept. Somebody has to make one treaty, instead of 50.

NASA...there's a toughie. I do not think, at the moment, there is sufficient commercial value in space to make it profitable. We all use products that are a result of the space program. However, can one corp, or even a conglomeration, find value after spending a gajillion to get up there?

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

This helps, but is space, or its goodies, legally bound by a nation, or entity?
socialism how's that working out for ya?

all those years in school made him a
dyed in the wool socialist, he can't help himself.

"strategic decisions to be made about the economic development of the US"

"the immediate self-interest of private business"

poor Minks
"strategic decisions to be made"

gimme one just one fuckin' example!!

I double dawg dare ya
Re: socialism how's that working out for ya?

all those years in school made him a
dyed in the wool socialist, he can't help himself.

"strategic decisions to be made about the economic development of the US"

"the immediate self-interest of private business"

poor Minks

well super cranium, are YOU going to invest in something that takes 20 years to pay off, or would you rather take your profit sooner... and let the chinks fuck is in 20, er, 10 years.

do i need to call you chooch?
the business of business is business

yes my little ChiCom lover
I'm sure you'd love to see the govt. continue too
pour dollars down ratholes for the next 20 years

It takes the government to lose trillions.
Poor lil old confused Minx

I refuse to imagine a world view that believes that private enterprise
is incapable of successfully directing its own actions to the benefit of all.

Lord knows we have daily examples of government insanity.

Do you consult your customers to look to government for solutions?

hah I'm sure its quite the opposite!

In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem;
government is the problem. From time to time we've been tempted
to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule,
that government by an elite group is superior to government for,
by, and of the people.

Well, if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has
the capacity to govern someone else?

All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden.

Ronnie Raygun
okay now that is funny.

so now that you're done masturbating with all the commie talk... what about my question on investment?
pour it down a government rathole and call it

"investment" ?

ha ha ha no yer just being a silly commie
