Why can't we have good friday and Easter Monday off too. This day is going to be hellishly long and boring. I would sooooo love to be at home right now.
I'm wondering how long it'll be before my headache really kicks in. They're renovating the floor just outside my office...relevelling it, so there are several circular saws, drills and nailguns going on around just outside my door...plus the fuckin' dust!

Why they didn't just buy self-levelling concrete and pour it over the damn weekend is beyond me.

Oh...and the sound of the nailguns (not air-driven but bullet driven) in a place that sells guns is disquieting in a way that I'd never really thought of before...kinda like working in a post-office.
I can't believe the sauna that is our office. The new owner is too cheap to fix the air conditioning and it's a wonderful 88 degrees in our office of stale, smelly air.:grumpy:

People need to learn how to use deodorant or antipersperant. *puke3*
I thinking that Leslie still hasn't moved her ass (such as it is) and swapped out the powersupply in her computer yet, even though she's been warned that failure to do so could cost her the machine.
I'm thinking that it has been forever since I've been on here. Funny how life drastically changes in just a few years. :crying7:
Im wishing I had a cure for this freaking insomnia ive been suffering from for the past couple years.

Thought it was the hotel life but...nope, off the road and still cant sleep at night.

Tormented? umm, maybe but there is one thing that always puts me to sleep and I never have it.

(now where did I put that porn....):leghump:
I hate posting back to back but..right now Im thinking...."why the hell did Kelly ask me to help her make a boob cake

Geeze, she knew I needed cheering up but Id settle for a "McDouble D" (now thats a HAPPY meal)! :eek5:
I can't wait for school to be back in session so I don't have to watch the back to back mind numbing experience that is Dora the Explorer and Diego and his rescue pack.
We saw *that* commercial today. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!!!
It wouldn't be so bad if they had more than 3 or 4 episodes that they cycle through. I have watched this Diego and the leatherback sea turtle episode more times than I care to remember.
We had the girls watching Boomerang for a while, which was nice - Smurfs, Snorks, Magilla Gorilla, Yogi bear....