Welcome to Missouri!

ClaireBear said:
We do?

Did I miss a "straight person" memo or summit?

Cos when I marry it'll be a public declaration of the mutual love I have for my fiance...

Amazing what you learn about the way you're supposed to think and feel.. init?

What is amazing is how lightly marriage is taken. "Oh, if something happens I can just get divorced". People don't take vows seriously, they seldomnly even notice them. Notice all the declarations of love & rewrites of the marriage vows scarcely contain odes to worse case scenaios (for better or worse) with to hanging tough themes nor serious proclamations of lifetime commitments (til death do us part).

Yes, heterosexuals have taken marriage & lessened it's meaning. That does by no means make what they're done right. I'vew already addressed this elsewhere. It also does not mean we shouldn't pursue a higher course. Return to a day where a persons word was his bond.

Counterfeit-whether by Liz Taylor or Brittney Spears or by & his man is still what these acts are. They diminish the real thing. The detract from the civilization building foundations created by marriage. Society is based on the family. We see the early stages of it's collapse already. No-fault divorce has moved the line to the point that marriage is nearly meaningless. Children, the only reason for marriage to exist, are not being served. Instead they are tokens on a board. Tokens that can be moved because , instead of teaching them to reach beyond themselves, we are educating them in self-righteous, self-serving, ugly selfishness.
Gonz said:
Children, the only reason for marriage to exist, are not being served. Instead they are tokens on a board. Tokens that can be moved because , instead of teaching them to reach beyond themselves, we are educating them in self-righteous, self-serving, ugly selfishness.

Hey PT! You were right! Teaching us how to bring up our children...
Do marriages without children lessen the meaning of the word? Do marriages (het or homo) with children strengthen it?

ook into the history of humankind and you'll see a constant social evolution to the point at which we currently stand. You'll notice that a mere century ago, people married and had many children such that they may tend the farm, or work the coal mine, or the sewing factory -- the children weren't quite being served then, were they? Even in the modern world, marriage in many countries isn't about love or family, but about gaining social status for the family of the bride or groom (see: arranged marriages in middle-eastern cultures). If your main beef is with the sanctity of marriage, I merely ask you to look around and see the redefined, evolved meaning of the word.

Honestly, I don't quite understand the issue. What horrors could happen if two women or two men could get married? Heaven forbid they adopt children and raise them in loving homes (instead of that dreadful Orphanarium), or pay taxes, or buy homes, or adopt a dog, or (perhaps on a more practical sense) commit to a monogamous relationship, helping to stop that terrible gay disease AIDs.
What if...? That is never ending. How about, what is.

kale said:
commit to a monogamous relationship, helping to stop that terrible gay disease AIDs.

Why would maraige be needed for that? It doesn't stop the heterosexual crowd from extramarital affairs. Historically, homosexual men are the least monogamous group around.

I also like the part abbout
kale said:
adopt children and raise them in loving homes (instead of that dreadful Orphanarium)
Yes, that would be ideal. I'm all for homosexual couples adopting older, hard to place children. Infants are best served in an intact, monogamous, married heterosexual home.

damnit, I gotta go...ttfn
ResearchMonkey said:
Love, the emotion, is just one atribute of relationship. Can you think of more? If love is the simple standard, everyone should marry everyone or anything.

communication. loyalty. respect. dedication. support. love.
Gonz said:
Why would maraige be needed for that? It doesn't stop the heterosexual crowd from extramarital affairs. Historically, homosexual men are the least monogamous group around.

I'm just trying to match the utterly bizarre reasons you folks come up with as to why we can't get married ;) And heck, that's homosexual men -- they're a breed of their own. What about us homosexual women? We're more loyal than Lassie.

Gonz said:
Yes, that would be ideal. I'm all for homosexual couples adopting older, hard to place children. Infants are best served in an intact, monogamous, married heterosexual home.

damnit, I gotta go...ttfn

Why? Why are infants best served in an "intact, monogamous, married heterosexual home"? Replace the "hetero" with "homo" and what, the child grows up to be the next Charles Manson? Perhaps, if raised in an intact, monogamous, married homosexual home, the child will grow up with a mind open to diversity. Heaven forbid!

Of course, now we're dancing perilously close to the "homos and adoption" argument -- about which I have (surprise!) a few choice words -- but that's not the topic of this thread, now, is it?
Wow...another same-sex union thread-on-fire that slipped past my radar...what was I thinking?

I'm reading post 74 now...soon be ready to contribute. In the interim...for those using the biological evolution arguement, please keep in mind:

1) Evolution is not positive or negative...it is experimental. If something fails, it is often removed from the equation. If it succeeds, it is often kept...if it has little or no effect...it often remains. Fail/Succeed <---as it refers to the survival and/or propogation of the species which had such a evolutionary jump or hop. The appendix has not helped our species seek food better, survive longer, or mate more effectivly...yet it remains. Likewise, homosexuality does not allow certain individuals to mate more effectivly, but it's inclusion in our genetic code hasn't hurt our ability to find food or extend our lives nor has it hampered others from finding successful mates and reproduce.

2) Many are assuming that homosexuality is not an evolutionary trait because it is not passed on sexually (stalwart homosexual relations produce no children), but this assumption is based on the assumption that homosexuality is not a recessive trait. If we even consider the possibility that homosexuality could be a biological trait (albeit, never proven nor disproven), then it could very well be a part of our evolution. Perhaps not the most successful part, but there nonetheless. If such is the case...the homosexual trait could very well be passed on sexually.

Just wanted to clear up the way that 'evolution' is being bandied about.
MrBishop said:
Wow...another same-sex union thread-on-fire that slipped past my radar...what was I thinking?

I'm reading post 74 now...soon be ready to contribute. In the interim...for those using the biological evolution arguement, please keep in mind:

1) Evolution is not positive or negative...it is experimental. If something fails, it is often removed from the equation. If it succeeds, it is often kept...if it has little or no effect...it often remains. Fail/Succeed <---as it refers to the survival and/or propogation of the species which had such a evolutionary jump or hop. The appendix has not helped our species seek food better, survive longer, or mate more effectivly...yet it remains. Likewise, homosexuality does not allow certain individuals to mate more effectivly, but it's inclusion in our genetic code hasn't hurt our ability to find food or extend our lives nor has it hampered others from finding successful mates and reproduce.

2) Many are assuming that homosexuality is not an evolutionary trait because it is not passed on sexually (stalwart homosexual relations produce no children), but this assumption is based on the assumption that homosexuality is not a recessive trait. If we even consider the possibility that homosexuality could be a biological trait (albeit, never proven nor disproven), then it could very well be a part of our evolution. Perhaps not the most successful part, but there nonetheless. If such is the case...the homosexual trait could very well be passed on sexually.

Just wanted to clear up the way that 'evolution' is being bandied about.

Talking about assumptions...

If homosexuality is genetic, and homosexuality can be 'cured' by gene therapy, how would you treat homosexuals that refuse treatment, or continue their lifestyle after this hypothetical treatment? (just another log for the fire;) )
if they refuse it that is their right. if they continue it then maybe it is not genetic. or not entirely genetic anyway
freako104 said:
if they refuse it that is their right. if they continue it then maybe it is not genetic. or not entirely genetic anyway

Dig a little deeper, freako. You're almost there. ;)

kale...Welcome to the board. As for your most recent post, chances are equal. Don't believe me? One of Matthew Shepard's murderers was raised by a lesbian couple. Does tha mean that all lesbian couples will raise children that way? Certainly not...but if you answer with extremes, then the only replies you get will be extreme. ;)
not sure if I can dig any deeper but I can certainly give it a shot. As said it may not be entirely genetic if the medicine does not work but can it be something that can also be mind over matter? like when you hear about ones who were "healed?"
The more I read of this thread the more I realize how little concern there is out-side of the end goal of validation.

I read these ‘fine points’ that sound great on the surface but have a complete disregard for the complexities of human social interaction and the resulting influences it has on society, the people, and the children. You have been creative about showing your emotion and opinion, however your opinion runs under the assumption that nothing has cause and effect upon each other.

You seem to believe that the only thing that will be affected by the change is that homosexuals will be able to get married, that is simply ridicules.

Why don’t we go deeper and have you explain the common aspects and delta’s of homosexuality relationships and heterosexual relationships behaviors in the realms of social, courting, and marriage, parenting, and the promotion of humanity and the species.

Then go further and explain the physiological and anatomical development that has enhanced the joys of homosexuality and heterosexuality and relate that to the human condition and the evolutionary process.

Let’s include the significance of bio-chemical factors and their purposes as it relates to human sexuality. We may also discuss the neuro-chemical and neuro-biological actions, re-actions, and differences under the different conditions.

B - I have read your post several times, I am sure you have no cryptic meaning that I missed. I see rant with hatred and emotional blather about the injustice, and yeah it sounds good. You are quite talented in villainization people as you make yourself out to be the victim. Because you can make an entertaining dialogue that blurs the issue does not mean that it a sensible concept in the realm of logical rational thinking. But if it’s the only way you know to express yourself, I suppose I will live with it.

In actuality there is one aggressor attempting to effect change in social norms, the opposition is defending, hence states and defining marriage as a man and woman in a rush. Nobody is being denied any rights as the right are the same; the social, physical, and emotional relationship relationships are markedly different when looked at as a whole so different definition is warranted. The terms Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid represent the 3 type of people. Although we are all people, the definition represents difference that cannot be ignored. (and don’t try to use this anatomical fact to equivocate to a social issue)

Whereas you may be very reasonable people on most subject you are truly blinded by your sexuality on sexuality related issues.

What would I do if a homosexual was in my charge? I would hope that I could assist them to improve their quality of life, everytime.
Gato_Solo said:
Talking about assumptions...

If homosexuality is genetic, and homosexuality can be 'cured' by gene therapy, how would you treat homosexuals that refuse treatment, or continue their lifestyle after this hypothetical treatment? (just another log for the fire;) )

It wasn't an assumption..just a warning to those who use the term "Evolution" as if all evolution is progressive, positive or even useful.

Race is genetic, and being black can be cured with gene therapy. You're always talking about DWB...I'm assuming that if you were offered, you would gladly accept becomming white, or a woman, or left handed, or have blue eyes, or be taller, or be...they're all genetic. Get it?

Just cause it can be changed, doesn't mean that it should.
I harbor no hate or ill will towards anyone, either on this board or in real life. If I am blinded by my sexuality or beliefs than I don't believe it is to any more of a degree then you are blinded by your own sexuality or beliefs.

I have made no attempt to make myself out to be a victim. I am not a victim. And as far as marriage goes, I will never be married by the state, or by any god, as my own personal beliefs in marriage go beyond what either of those two institutions can provide. I was simply acting as a voice for those who aren't here to defend themselves.

For what it's worth, I was not brought in here to "bring you down". Don't flatter yourself. Though it concerns me that you think that anyone here would go to such lengths to get rid of you...

As it's obvious that you don't think I'm on a level to debate this subject with you, I don't see the point in wasting my time to convince you otherwise. You're simply not worth the effort. I'd found much more entertaining debates with Gonz and Gato_Solo, and they didn't tend to have their feelings hurt so much. I apologize that I've offended you or hurt you in anyway.

On that note, I'm through with this thread...

B, I agree the debate was fun for about ~3-4 days last month, since then it has become more of pain.

I whole-heartedly agree with you that you are not speaking for yourself; you’re a mouthpiece for the cause, as you work from the pale of spoon-fed propagandistics ad nausium. You even stated you do not want any part of marriage.

I have no clue as to why we'd want to be a part of it. I certainly don't. At least not how it's described today.

I am not blinded by my sexuality; I see the wreckage being a janitor of society I get to clean up the mess from all kinds of issues including many pertaining to homosexuals. My opinion places the burden on the much larger picture of society’s dynamic equalibrium rather then the wishes of few.

You have not hurt my wittle feeewings, you have frustrated me by rehashing the basic arguments based on different but equal and progressive ideology’s.

I will again restate a few things I have already said, you are witty and I am sure you charming most of the time, I even see the fun in your volleys with me.

Several members contacted me and asked that I return to the boards for different reasons. Some wanted an explanation as to why I left while others wanted me to champion a few causes.

I make the mistake of thinking that I'm alone in trying to fight this fight. It's the Gay Superhero Extraordinaire in me. If it weren't for people like you guys I wouldn't have come back.
***followed by***

For what it's worth, I was not brought in here to "bring you down". Don't flatter yourself. Though it concerns me that you think that anyone here would go to such lengths to get rid of you...

You said yourself you were called back by several people to be the ‘gay-super-hero’. So obviously someone or two went to that length now didn’t they? (did you notice the (us) hiding in my statement that you reference, I notice you didn’t quote it)

I know that I've covered this before, but Kale brought it up, and quite frankly it really burns me that anyone would have the balls to say that homosexuals don't see marriage the same way as hetero's do...

For someone who ended a post stating that I brought no facts to the table but only attempted to make emotions sound like logical arguments, where is your basis for this? Do some Research Monkey and bring me some facts that prove your completely asinine opinion holds a single shred of truth.

Ok I’ll give you an inch here; the difference is in the fact that your perception of marriage is a progressive definition of marriage and not the traditional one that holds true today man+woman (=children).

Thulsa used to threaten me with facts too.

Well I suppose if wanting better health coverage (i.e. sharing your partners benefits gives you better coverage) is greedy, then yes, we're greedy. Out of curiosity, how many hetero couples reading this thread share medical benefits with a spouse? Which one of you had the better health care when you got married and how long did it take the other one to get on that policy once you got hitched?

Well that may or may not ever happen. Like a diabetic or someone with heart disease homosexuals are a high risk group and very expensive to maintain. Private insurance may not accept homosexual spouses with out paying additional fees, once you change the definition of marriage the rules of private business will follow. Like getting earthquake or hurricane insurance in CA or FL respectively.

Marriage always has been defined by the states.

Well since Roe vs. Wade shattered the federalist ideal I would call that liberal hypocrisy and matter of convience.

Marriage means family. Not sexual reproduction. Marriage means love, commitment, honesty, understanding, trust... If a family is nothing more than a man, a women, 2.5 kids and a dog then our society is truly fucked. A family should consist of a group of people living together that provide love and stability for each other, not a means for producing children. Any whore on the street can pop out kids, it takes a family to raise them.

So why can't that family consist of two men or two women living together raising children that they have either conceived by taking on a sperm donor or surrogate mother, or by adopting the thousands of children who's natural parents can't or won't take care of them. And if you can look at that situation and say, "Hey, that's a family."

So you agree that polygamy should be OK, I see this very close to the NAMBLA argument that you deny as being anything close to gay-marriage agenda.

So the bastardization of children should be promoted as well in the new progressive world, Wonderful. The no-fault divorce of consequence-free living has done wonders to weaken the institution of marriage and created a whole new world of latch-key, dual home children and has caused for many women to have join the work force to make ends meet whether or not wanted to. Yeah both of those little social changes didn’t have any impact on society did it? (The militant woman’s movement{that has far out lived its usefulness} and liberal divorce) now most women are not afforded the choice of being a housewife to raise their children’s as many would like to ahve that option. (check your statistics long and hard before you run with that one)

As a gay relationship has a zero natural potential of procreation from with-in the relationship I would have great concerns as to the ability to meet the natural balance of developmental needs of the child with-out causing a number of confusions. If we can disregard natural balance in this then we surely can disregard the natural balance of the environment too as homeostasis is simple nonsense.

I don’t believe that you consummate marriage by cock-fighting and no, it was not rhetorical question. How to gay men consummate mate marriage under traditional means or does this need to become progressive also.

. . . you will never convince me that the sole role of marriage is to produce children. Marriage is a commitment to family, and families come in all types, not just those that include genetic copies of the adults. If you can't see past this, then there is no debate, there is no conversation.

I know you don’t see it, the traditional family values that were prevalent up to the early 1960’s have been reduced over the years in a number of ways in the name of social liberalism (not just the gays). This is the single most prevalent factor in the decay of society that we see today. Not to say we shouldn’t evolve, but many of the forced changes of norms really didn’t help society as 'they' promised they would.

Check your demographics, the more “tradtional-living” geographic locations are the ones with less crime and more wholesome communty living as opposed to large cities where crime is higher and community is geographic area rather then individual people that live there. Progressive Liberals tend to come from the large populations centers where people are less likely to know all the people that live on the street.

with the difference that they don't try to pass off homosexuality as some sort of freakish disease destined to destroy the world

This is your basis for not giving it a chance now? A lot has happened since the days when Romans fed christians to lions, Catholics burned heretics at the stake and Hitler rounded up homosexuals as one of the first groups to be put in concentration death camps.


And just to draw a parallel here... the back of the bus gets to the station at the same time the front of the bus does, and the water coming out of the coloreds only fountain tastes just the same as the one coming out of the white's only fountain not two feet from it, and if these people had settled for this "same, but not quite the same" treatment, think of where we'd be today.

***followed by***

I have made no attempt to make myself out to be a victim. I am not a victim.

Here you are drawing parallel as being the victim (as a gay man) that you deny. You’re also trying to compare it to a civil rights issue of which it is not since no one is being denied and rights unequitabley.

You’re useing pity as a substitue for evidence. But WTF is sounds good doesn’t it.

All this time I was asking GAY people how they felt about marriage. Silly me... I shoulda come to you right from the beginning. I bow down to your superior insight into the diseased mind that is the homosexual psyche. I mean it's obvious that we would have no idea of what family values are or the desire to want to reproduce them in families of our own. I mean, what could hell spawn demons possessed with the desire for same sex relationships know about family values? Once again I am in awe of your insight.

You created an entire paragraph (and most of the post) of ad hominem attack which is when I fully realized that you have little to offer then anicdotal evidence, which is not evidence.

but instead raise that bar, only you guys are too scared to let us try. Why? Because what in the world would happen if we showed you up? Talk about embarrassing...

Science, history, and society have looked at this already and disagree with your new progressive wisdom.

only gay people aren't so stuck up on themselves

I beg your pardon :eek3:

Since this a social morality issue let discuss several of the key points of why most people will accept homosexuality as someone’s choice but do not condone it as a healthy normal behavior.

  • Let’s discuss what happened in Scandinavia from the late 80’s to present day and look at the trends that are a result of gay marriage.
  • Lets look at the extremely hi-rate of disease and morbidity that is caused by homosexual acts and the rate of infections.
  • Let’s discuss the far higher rate of chronic mental illness in homosexuals
  • Let discuss the promiscuity rates of the two lifestyles.
  • Let’s discuss the role the sex plays in the different social arenas.
  • Let also mention HIV, which was touted for ten years as not being a homosexual disease which it later was shown to be. Did you know, I am sure you do, that AIDS has its own special laws as to medical privacy that no other conditions has? That is has been the best funded medical research that has ever been attempted. Special rights, exuberant funding, that’s one hell-of’a lobby you got there.
  • Lets talk about pheromones; what they are, what the do, and how they do it.
  • Let’s talk about the natural occurrence of gay relationships the instinctive animal world and how that represents the parallel to the cognitive behavior in the human world.
  • Let’s talk about the development of the penis the functions it does and why it does them, let carry that over to the anus and the vagina and all its supporting plumbing.
  • Let’s talk about nature and evolution and how humans developed.

I know I can be an ass (no pun intended) but the only real point I see you coming back to is that 'its new, progressive, and it will be better'. It's not new and let me give you three words on that point Argumentum ad Novitatem

Personally, I have no ill will against gay people or couples at a personal level; I am friends with more then a few. I do not condone the choice any more then I do for friends that smoke dope or hunt out of season. The fact that they’re gay has little to do with our interactions as I pick my friends carefully.

My position on this issue is from a social point of view, I think marriage should be protected more than it has has been the last 35 years.

Never in the history of the world has society changed so much so fast, we are not as prepared for it as we think we are.
ResearchMonkey said:

[*]Let’s discuss what happened in Scandinavia from the late 80’s to present day and look at the trends that are a result of gay marriage.

Ok, let's. I already know what you're going to say, and rather than fight it point-by-point over the next few pages of the thread, here's a link that does it for me: http://www.freedomtomarry.org/document.asp?doc_id=1443

[*]Lets look at the extremely hi-rate of disease and morbidity that is caused by homosexual acts and the rate of infections.

Why don't we just look at the extremely high rate of STDs among the youth of America? Homosexuals spread disease -- ok, I can deal with that -- but only if you acknowledge that *any* penetrating sex can spread disease, be it homo, hetero, or, heck, bestial, necro, whatever.

[*]Let’s discuss the far higher rate of chronic mental illness in homosexuals

The cause of such inflated rates have not yet been determined, and a large group of analysts suggest it is because of the social stigma of such a lifestyle, and the reactions of people to the lifestyle.

[*]Let discuss the promiscuity rates of the two lifestyles.

There are always extremes. I'm quite certain they balance out.

[*]Let also mention HIV, which was touted for ten years as not being a homosexual disease which it later was shown to be. Did you know, I am sure you do, that AIDS has its own special laws as to medical privacy that no other conditions has? That is has been the best funded medical research that has ever been attempted. Special rights, exuberant funding, that’s one hell-of’a lobby you got there.

Y'know why? Because for *years* in the 80s, HIV/AIDs was seen as a "gay" disease, sent by God to wipe out the terrible, terrible homos. When straight people started getting the disease, public opinion started to shift a bit, prompting more research into the disease. By the way, here's a link from the National Institute of Health stating that the rate of infection of HIV among gay men has dropped 50% over the past few years, while it's jumped over 60% among black females. http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/jun98/nci-16.htm

[*]Lets talk about pheromones; what they are, what the do, and how they do it.

It's not the pheromones -- it's the receptors! "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and the stink of your musk is in the olfactory glands of the sniffer. My alarms go off when a hot chick goes by, [ b ]'s goes off pretty much non-stop when there's a man around. Guess a switch got mixed up or something, damn genes...

[*]Let’s talk about the natural occurrence of gay relationships the instinctive animal world
and how that represents the parallel to the cognitive behavior in the human world.

We can't ignore our animal instincts, y'know. Besides, here's a great article relating homosexuality and nature to the current gay marriage debate -- how poignant! http://www.backyardnature.net/j/o/homosex.htm

The rest of your post is just nitpicking and FUD. I'll skip it and pretend this is a rational discussion ;)
kale said:
Guess a switch got mixed up or something, damn genes...

In one fell swoop, all the arguments from that side are simply washed away in the interest of simple facts.

Homosexuality is, as I've contended for some time, natural but nor normal, a genetic defect, a biological error. With that knowledge it thus becomes choice. The whole is not intended to run on the whims of a few.
RM said:
Lets look at the extremely hi-rate of disease and morbidity that is caused by homosexual acts and the rate of infections.

Heterosexuals are also at risk and can get diseases too