Welcome Neptune

GET YOUR ASS IN HERE, PRIVATE! Or do i have to carry ya?! Slacker![/Drill Instructor]

Umm... Yeah, what the others said. Welcome.
Kawaii said:
GET YOUR ASS IN HERE, PRIVATE! Or do i have to carry ya?! Slacker![/Drill Instructor]

Umm... Yeah, what the others said. Welcome.

Knowing him, more than likely.....slacker studenty type
Hey, well not neptune anymore, probs with the account, so you're gonna have to put up with spunky! :banana:

And as for the deep dark secrets, hmmm.... may ave to PM me if you want them, seeing as i'm moving back in with my ever so loveable bro, it may be a bit of a health risk to spill on a public forum.... :devious:
Um some people here probably know more things than you do :p

So post away, I will decide if hospitilisation is in order AFTER I read them :)

Have a safe and productive day
Spunky said:
Hey, well not neptune anymore, probs with the account, so you're gonna have to put up with spunky! :banana:


I see so many potential witty comments applicable to that nick. But alas, I am caffeine deprived and have tumbled into my inertial blond state. Therefore no wit is forthcoming :(

Maybe this afternoon when my brain restarts :D

Camelyn said:

I see so many potential witty comments applicable to that nick. But alas, I am caffeine deprived and have tumbled into my inertial blond state. Therefore no wit is forthcoming :(

Maybe this afternoon when my brain restarts :D


You mean it actually does start from time to time?

/me runs

And Spunky/will call you by your real name when I have embarrasing stories, you find someone with their mind OUT of the gutter on OTC, you have either found yourself and inactive member, or a newbie like yourself :D
Raven said:
You mean it actually does start from time to time?

It does indeed.

But I can understand how you might miss that, since it's so hard for you to keep up the mental pace once I shift out of idle and actually start thinking :D
Camelyn said:
It does indeed.

But I can understand how you might miss that, since it's so hard for you to keep up the mental pace once I shift out of idle and actually start thinking :D
Hey don't diss me.....im 9 whole inches taller than you m'dear......don't make me go into the advantages of 9 inches.....

um BoP.....can I have those pants, seeing as they are more than likely mine anyway?