Welcome CTM

i'm 23 and from the east coast of canada. i graduated University with a major in marketing(This should be enough to tell you i'm an asshole).

anyone want some Pepsi Bleu?
I won't know if you're an asshole till I know whether you're of the French persuasion :alienhuh:

and...no thanks...that Pepsi stuff scares me. :(
So which bored member(s) are you associated with?

CTM said:
i'm 23 and from the east coast of canada. i graduated University with a major in marketing(This should be enough to tell you i'm an asshole).

anyone want some Pepsi Bleu?
Pepsi blows. (Not that blowing is a bad thing.)

Welcome! :toast:
be warned we have dreadfully lofty standards
for the asshole classification

there is a lot of competition in that category

Sure you don't want to contend in the
'limp wristed Liberal' category?

You don't qualify for the
spurned\dumped\fucked over, bitter single female class
Not precisely but
I thought you'd petitioned to have the
two classes merged?

Then again I guess not all
angry righty gun-toting freaks
are assholes?
CTM said:
i'm 23 and from the east coast of canada. i graduated University with a major in marketing(This should be enough to tell you i'm an asshole).

anyone want some Pepsi Bleu?

East coast of Canada? Quebec or New Brunswick I assume? (bleu) ;)
Leslie said:
I won't know if you're an asshole till I know whether you're of the French persuasion :alienhuh:

and...no thanks...that Pepsi stuff scares me. :(

Ontario, eh? i'm sorry to hear that.

Je suis le porte.

1/4th acadian, 100% english.

I'm from Halifax
Halifax eh?

I have spent a good amount of time down there over the past 3 years. I just got back yesterday from CFB Stadacona.
Winky said:
be warned we have dreadfully lofty standards
for the asshole classification

there is a lot of competition in that category

He ain't just whistlin' dixie there.

Welcome. :D