Weird Things You've Googled


Staff member
Do you ever have something pop up in your little "auto complete" menu when typing something in on google that makes you go "What the hell was I looking for when I typed that?!"...I was just googling "Take Home Chef" and as I typed the "t-a-k" "Taking a bath while eatting an orange" came up...I was like "WTF was I looking for?!"...I then remembered I was trying to find out what state that is illegal in, I remember seeing it on the "list of weird things that are illegal" or something...
I google boring stuff...recently baker's racks, platform beds, sprout online to find the web address for Marlowe, an Italian translation site for a wacko lady that bought something from me...stuff like that.
Once I was down in USA with another Canadian friend staying on university campus. It's a long story, but to sum it up the other Canadian and myself bought plain white boxers which, with permanent markers, we turned into SUPER CANADIAN boxers.

I needed to find a good picture of a beaver to draw on the arse of mine so I innocently googled "beaver" looking for a picture of the ANIMAL! Try it with safe search off....... not quite what I had in mind..
I have all auto complete feats disabled, but if I used them I'd probably ask myself that quite often :lol:
My auto-complete is turned off, too... ever googled your own name, though? It turns out I'm a black comedian with the Boston Improv.
me too. darn my very original name!
(which is ashleigh r..... and there is an ashleY r......... i found her on myspace... and we're distantly related)
"how tall is danzig?"
"lizard shoot blood out of eyes"
"parts of an anchor"
"should eggs float"
"what's going on with livejournal?"

yeah, i went through and typed each letter of the alphabet to see what came up under it.
only one t in eating

Yes I know...I misspelled it when I originally googled it and it got corrected by google's helpful "I think you meant this" feature...for accuracy and honesty I figured I'd leave it the way I typed it.
how tall is peter steele? does he still live with his mom?
how tall is chuck billy?

yeah, how tall is peter steele? *googles that too*
i can't find how tall he is! but i would be willing to guess he is fairly tall. but that could just be because he looks big over-all (and i just accidentally found pictures of parts of him i was not looking for! >_<!!! and they were big too *CRIES*)

*pets his hair forever*