We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive


As we all know and love because of my thread. I need to wash it and take newer pics, of the new radio and alternator.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

chcr said:
Walked away from plenty. :D

So did my cousin. 7, in fact. One of which left him with odd length legs, and another than permanently burned into his back the pattern of metal studs he'd had done into the back of his jacket. I've got one of his old jackets. Heavy enough leather that it'll stand in a corner on it's own. Seems he always came off his bike the same way, and one shoulder was always the first point of impact. Since he's a lefty and I'm right handed, he figured that there was plenty of meat left on the opposite side for all my accidents.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

Got a '92 Camry LE now...had it since last summer. Thinking of taking it off the road when my tags expire in October, people at my school effed it up twice last semester. Not worth the insurance money to keep it around.

I am starting to save for graduation plans (apartment with a friend) and plan to put aside a little extra for a 2004 Mazda3...dark blue. They're adorable.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

My friend just bought a black Mazda3, it's a pretty slick ride, if you can live with only four cylinders and a slushbox.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

At the BBQ last summer, HomeLAN's friend showed up in a Mazda3 five-door. It's got the 2.3 four-banger with a slushbox... he said he's getting close to 40 miles per gallon with it. I sat in the driver's seat (didn't start the car though) and was pretty impressed with the comfort and room.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

I still have the Renault.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

But, if mileage was a concern, why did he spend so much on a brand new car?

Assume his car gets 40mpg. A new Mazda3 costs $18,000. My car gets 25mpg and has a blue book value of $4,500. Assuming gas is $3/gallon, if we both drove 300,000 miles, we would have both spent a total of $40,500. Any less than 300,000 miles, and my car is cheaper.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

I'm sure he didn't buy it just to get 40 miles to the gallon. I'm sure he was in the market for a new car anyway, and the Mazda3 is what he decided on, and the good mileage is a side benefit.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

So now a four banger slush box is a muscle car?
Danged metrosexuals!

Buy a Muscle car with bad gas mileage, every drop of gas
you burn funds the terrorists!
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

if he picked up a four banger slushbox, he obviously wasn't looking around. for the same price, it;'s very easy to find a 5.5gen Maxima 6spd, which is a sickeningly fast car.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

i justed looked up 'slushbox.'


"there are no drivers - only passengers - in cars with automatic transmissions."
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

if he picked up a four banger slushbox, he obviously wasn't looking around. for the same price, it;'s very easy to find a 5.5gen Maxima 6spd, which is a sickeningly fast car.

Perhaps he wanted something smaller so that he would get the better mileage... maybe he couldn't get comfortable in the Nissan's seats. Hard to say. But not everyone is shopping for a car specifically to get a "sickeningly fast car."
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

Weird that you mention it, IMO, Nissan's seats are the most uncomfortable of all.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

I bought a 2001 M5 about a month ago to replace the aging maxima. It's a great car: super fast, amazing interior, great handling, along with horrible gas mileage.

Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

I think the Maxima seats are pretty comfy. It's not exactly the velour couches my Olds had, but I don't have a problem sitting in the Max for a long time.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

Whether the seats are comfy or not is up to the individual person. What's comfy for one person might be hell for another. That's why it pays to test-drive the car.
Re: We´ve seen the musclecars, now lets see what you drive

I think the Maxima seats are pretty comfy. It's not exactly the velour couches my Olds had, but I don't have a problem sitting in the Max for a long time.

The problem I feel with Nissans is that your butt is way too low. Sure it feels ok for a few minutes, but after a while I get tired. It feels much like if you were sitting on the floor.