War of the Worlds


Well-Known Member
Saw it.

Good action....

Brilliant special effects

Good acting...like TC or not he is a good actor

Dakota Fanning is too good for a 10 year old.

Good music, sound, editing

Brilliantly, stupid ending......what happened Speilberg?

I think he spent all of his creative effort on making a great movie but forgot that a great plot needs a great ending.....Or, he was under pressure t ofinish this and get it out as a summer blockbuster.

Either way, this movie has the biggest copout ending i've ever seen. Otherwise, great movie....just really stupid ass ending.
The book and the original movie both had a creampuff ending. If he stayed with that line, his ending would have been a creampuff too.
I kept waiting for Tom to DO something and I agree about the ending. It was too abrupt. After everything, the explination was too quick and boom, credits roll.

And yes, Dakota Fanning is just unbelievable, isn't she? I've never seen such good acting in a child. She was great in Man on Fire too, and I want to see the one with Robert Deniro.
i saw it on sunday last, and i thought it was unremitting cack. about half-way in i wanted the little girl to get zapped just to shut her the fuck up.
ris said:
i saw it on sunday last, and i thought it was unremitting cack. about half-way in i wanted the little girl to get zapped just to shut her the fuck up.

I'll keep saying it. Jeff Waynes Musical Version...
ris said:
i couldn't agree more, even with david essex.

It's actually probably the only thing he did that I liked.

The Richard Burton narration is what really makes it for me.
absolutely, and poor old morgan freeman, quality actor though he is, just ballsed those lines up dreadfully. and to cap it all, spielberg did away with the 'and abruptly, the sound ceased' line - shame on you, sir, shame.