Um, how do they do this?


Does anyone have an idea?


square.jpg, 20.01kb

Probably just grow them in some kind of box. Plexiglass would probably work, still let the light in, yet shape them quite nicely.
A farmer in Zentsuji, realizing the value of Japanese refrigerator real-estate, invented a way to create the fruit by growing them in glass boxes until they are 19cm square.
dunno, they were stupidly expensive in the simpsons but i'm not going to take that as a valid source :D
CenturionStrategy said:
Aren't they supposed to be ridiculously expensive?

That's what I read too. Something in the thousands. Like...10,000 each or something stupid.
Think they are £60 each. Probably easier to fit in your £100,000 fridge, being square as they are.

This is classic. Anybody that knows who the model Jordan is will find this funny...

When asked about her thoughts on the Japanese square melon she said "They are an abomination of nature"

jordan is such a total biffer, and not the brightest melon in the square melon factory either :D
a model who thinks square melons are an abomination, thus she must like round ones.

qed, you prefer jordan's melons, right?
Its probably fake. And I didn't know many people use quod erat demonstrandum in a conversation, unless I'm interpreting that wrongly (its the only QED I know of)
ok, lose the qed i'm just playing. what are fake? the square melons or jordans round ones?
ris said:
ok, lose the qed i'm just playing. what are fake? the square melons or jordans round ones?
Jordan's. I want skin, not plastic. Well I want plastic but plastic as in plastic explosives. On a woman I want skin. Thanks, come again.