tonight on letterman - making fun of obama?

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Well-Known Member
So, it's like 9:30, I'm eating my dinner, and the big TVs in the dining hall are showing Letterman and the Packers/Vikings game. There was some talk about his sex scandal, but then they had Penn Jilette on (I really like his "Bullshit" TV series), and the main subject is that the SNL crew made fun of Obama. It was on mute, so I'm not sure exactly what was discussed besides what was captioned.

That's right, folks. A group of AMERICANS made satirical references about the PRESIDENT. What is this blasphemy? What has our world come to?

In the eternal words of Mr. Eric Cartman, "THE FUCK?!?!?!"

How is this newsworthy? SNL made fun of someone. That's their job. They're comedians. People watch these shows because they make fun of celebrities - athletes, movie stars, musicians, and politicians. This is not newsworthy. 30 minutes of prime-time news was spent talking about something that means NOTHING.

Obviously, people are going to make fun of the president. That's what we elected him for. You think it was an accident that Bush got 2 terms? John Kerry was dry and boring. Bush got into amusing shenanigans, and that's why we voted for him. Same with Billy C... hilarious voice, sexual affairs. You know how many jokes there have been about presidents? Family Guy still makes fun of Reagan, and he's dead. Jimmy Carter is still as hilarious as ever. OJ Simpson and Bill Clinton were the two legal proceedings I remember from my childhood. Bush was severely misunderestimated throughout his presidency.

The guy has been in office for over 8 months. The kid gloves are off. It's no longer taboo to make fun of him and his shenanigans. Every other celebrity and politician is fair game to make fun of, so why isn't Obama? For serious. The only recent presidents who it's not OK to make fun of are JFK because he got killed (by the CIA on the grassy knoll - actually, not. it was LHO in the book depository, alone, a decision made when he realized the parade went by his office) and FDR because he was handicapped. Truman? Eisenhower? LBJ? Nixon (plenty of punchline material there)? Ford (a few too many head injuries in football season)? Carter? Reagan? Bush? Clinton? Bush v2.0? They're all potential comedic material.

It's completely pathetic that CNN's headline news was that SNL *gasp* made satirical comments. They've been doing that, with varying amounts of success, since the 1970s. "Obama: Now a joke punchline?" is not headline news.

Not to mention, it pisses me off to no end that instead of streaming the headlines across the bottom of the screen, it's endless advertisements to visit CNN's "Twitter" page, and shows random, completely asinine comments which have been posted on CNN's Twitter, spelling mistakes and blatant sterotypes included. Seriously, last week one of them was "We Americans never want to forgive anyone, but except for ourselfs". THE FUCK?!?!?!

Ever since the false Palin divorce rumor they started, I now take CNN about as seriously as Ann Coulter's news website, or Al Gore's blog. They've turned into a station that rambles about pointless things, and spreads whatever Caribou Barbie rumors they can get their hands on.


Why those racists bastards!!! Seriously, you have Chris Mathews masturbating to Obama's photo every night and CNN asks him the tough questions like "As the worlds greatest leader of all times, do you think we are worthy of your gracious benevolence?" I can truly believe that they were apoplectic to hear some one make a joke about him. Look at their reaction when the IOC did not cow tow to his push for Chicago.


Well-Known Member
When Letterman announced his March 2009 wedding to his studio audience, he said he and the former “Late Show” staffer had been dating since 1986. She reportedly moved in with him in 2001; the couple have a 5-year-old son.

When Letterman made his marriage announcement, he stayed true to character, poking fun at his decision to wed during his monologue.
sounds like some good family values there...not,2933,562561,00.html

H2O boy

New Member
heaven forbid anybody make fun of the chosen one

can we get rid of his useless self serving ass yet or does the constitution make us wait it out? is there a provision to exterminate everybody stupid enough to vote for this shit? or has common sense truly seased to exist?

judging by past tragic mistakes made in elections held before, we are fuckd until november 2012. i still want anyone voting for this lunacy committed to a nut ward for the protection of society at large. these people shouldnt be allowed to choose between burger king and wendys


molṑn labé
Staff member
We're only fucked until the next Congress is seated. If Nobama has nothing to sign then he's less of a threat
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