*tiptoes in*

ku'u :hug: where you been hiding.

*Spirit and kuu appear within minutes of one another {pinches self} nope not a dream.
life's been a little crazy for a few months ... but now that school's out and i'm on summer break ... i can breathe again :D
*sigh* babygirl made 4 on the 3rd & my son is 2. they just keep growing and growing! maybe i have a pic somewhere ...


i just mentioned to nan that i popped back in here ... maybe that'll get her to login too :D
Would that be the so-called Akaka Bill, S147/HR309?
You know me, I'm for anything giving Hawaiians our rights.

F**k TIME magazine and labeling Akaka as one of the 5 worst Senators :finger:
Professur said:
So when do we get to hear your views on that new Hawaii Liberation proposal?

*just returned from The Real World*
whoa. that was some deja vu. goddamn luis ... put away your lightning ;)