time zone?


Staff member
I can't seem to find a way to change the time zone. Is there a way? Am I blind? I don't know when posts were made, I'm soooooo confused ?( :D
There is now a way to change your timezone. Let me know if it's correct.

Go to Profile, then Edit Options. The option is there with the long dropdown box.
*huge sigh of relief* much better! Thanks (was that there before and I missed it? :eek: ) It's in army time now, but I can live with that. :)

edit - wait a minute! It's an hour behind. Did someone forget daylight savings time? :D I'm sure I picked the right one - eastern, us and canada (whereever else too), that's me.
It doesn't account for daylight savings time, if that's what you mean. Those in daylight savings timezones will have to put the timezone an hour ahead manually.

No, it wasn't there before, I just added it :eek:
Now it's perfect, thanks! And don't be :eek: , you've been busy! It's all great so far, just the little tweaks now. :)
You mean I finally knew something you didn't know? Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah!! :p :D