through rain, sleet, & snow ...


New Member
... but if there's a parked car in front of the mailbox, tough shit.

that's what a friend's mailman told her. if there's a car blocking the mailbox, it's too hard to actually step out of his vehicle to deliver the mail. she better not upset him, don't want him disgruntled now, do we?
Yep....same thing happens around here. No easy delivery, no mail at all.

Always thought about putting a mailbox on the other side of the street, just to mess them up. :D
we had a mailman where i worked that wouldn't deliver to us anymore because the dog barked at him aggressively.
The mailman in our neighborhood actually bought and installed a mailbox for us at US Postal Service expense so he would no longer have to walk up on the porch.
For's the snow that the issue. They don't tell you that they're not going to deliver...but suddenly, you don't get mail for a day or two, then you shovel away at the snow on the steps, and get a whole whack of mail. Coincidence...I think not!
We have a duck pond next door and sometimes the ducks wander over into our yard.

We didn't get mail for maybe a week and when we finally did get it, it had "CANARD" plastered all over the back of the packet. Canard means duck in french.

I guess he thought they were attack ducks and didn't want to take the chance.
I have no clue what his problem was but he wouldn't deliver our mail if there was a duck in the yard.

He'd deliver if our quarter wolf mixed dog was on her lead in the yard, but not the ducks. Go figure.
one of the ponds where we live has millions of mutant attack ducks. they're hugest, scariest looking ducks EVER!! :eek:
Katriona said:
I have no clue what his problem was but he wouldn't deliver our mail if there was a duck in the yard.

He'd deliver if our quarter wolf mixed dog was on her lead in the yard, but not the ducks. Go figure.

I don't blame him, my uncle keeps geese and they are vicious bastard things :eh:
Katriona said:
I have no clue what his problem was but he wouldn't deliver our mail if there was a duck in the yard.

He'd deliver if our quarter wolf mixed dog was on her lead in the yard, but not the ducks. Go figure.
i've heard of no harm, no foul...but never no fowl, no harm....
*remembers being chased halfway across the district by a pack of geese*

Anyway, I live in an apartment with an intercom-buzzer, and I've BEEN HOME waiting for the courier, and the lazy bastards didn't even bother to RING the intercom - they just shoved a 'unable to deliver' slip in the mail slot!