The lurker post


New Member
well so I guess I have been lurking long enough so it is time to post...

I haven't been up to much.. still working like always so there isn't much new there...

BUT there is something now to some ppl here... my GF and I are expecting a child in Jan.:eek5: (Jan 3rd is her due date) it will be my 4th and her 1st, so we are really looking forward to having a baby in the house.

well I guess that is it for now.. I shall return :beardbng:
Djcake said:
. my GF and I are expecting a child in Jan.:eek5: (Jan 3rd is her due date) it will be my 4th and her 1st, so we are really looking forward to having a baby in the house.

well I guess that is it for now.. I shall return :beardbng:

DUDE...,don't you know ,that they've now figured out what causes that.:grinyes:
So you know this from the ultrasound, right? Because January is far off and if she was born that makes her an ultra preemie.
quick update time

well we are coming on 34 weeks now
during the pregnancy my girl friend developed gestational diabetes but the baby seems to be growing at a normal rate (around 6lbs now) she will be induce on Dec. 18th and this weekend (Nov. 25th) we will be going for a 3D ultrasound