The invisible skin-boiling death rays of doom are here!

Oz said:
Both find and dandy I'm sure........but gimme a young uhura anyday.....that girl had the most fantastic legs :D

Hell yeah. But ... how about that green slave bitch??? :fap:
Professur said:
Hell yeah. But ... how about that green slave bitch??? :fap:

I try not to kiss anything that has gone green these days........made that mistake in the past :sick:
Who said anything about kissing her?

BTW. Pop. Mechanics has had these sort of things advertised in their rear pages for decades.
That is one big-ass target for small-arms fire

I would be one scared sniper staring down at that thing through a scope hoping I could take it out before the flash goes off and cooks the retinas. I see a market for powerful sunglasses cropping up.
unclehobart said:
I would be one scared sniper staring down at that thing through a scope hoping I could take it out before the flash goes off and cooks the retinas. I see a market for powerful sunglasses cropping up.
Love this bit
Countermeasures against the weapon could be quite straightforward — for example covering up the body with thick clothes or carrying a metallic sheet — or even a trash can lid — as a shield or reflector. Also unclear is how the active-denial technology would work in rainy, foggy or sea-spray conditions where the beam's energy could be absorbed by water in the atmosphere.