The Corrupted Wish Game

Granted, you trade places with me and end up having to take a week's vacation at home, just to clean and fix it up. :eek:

I wish I don't have to do that again next year.
Granted, you trade places with me and end up having to take a week's vacation at home, just to clean and fix it up. :eek:

I wish I don't have to do that again next year.

Granted. Your funeral is 360 days from now.

I wish Starya hadn't put up that 'bug' sig...
Granted, you have to see the proctologist instead, as you have a very unusual vision problem... :eek:

I wish I had my own car.

Granted. Now if you only had a place to park it...:devious:

I wish my home base wouldn't screw up my paycheck every time I deployed...:cuss:
Granted. They hired somebody else.

I wish I could find an affordable copy of the first Beautiful Creatures CD in good condition. $25 plus shipping ain't gonna happen.
Granted. They hired somebody else.

I wish I could find an affordable copy of the first Beautiful Creatures CD in good condition. $25 plus shipping ain't gonna happen.

Granted. Due to a badly written address, it winds up in Upper Slobovia, and causes a war between the Slobovian cattlemen and sheepmen.

I wish I had a winning powerball ticket all to myself.
Granted. It's from a 2001 drawing and is now invalid.

I wish I hadn't worked so hard in the yard today.

Granted, you worked so hard in MY yard today. :lol2:

I wish Slims interview process gets him the job that he loves with good pay, enough time off, benefits, close to home, with any out of town training to be done in Atlanta.
Granted, you worked so hard in MY yard today. :lol2:

I wish Slims interview process gets him the job that he loves with good pay, enough time off, benefits, close to home, with any out of town training to be done in Atlanta.

Granted. It soon turns into a temp job, and he is quickly replaced by an illegal alien that works for less.

I wish I owned an un-tapped gold mine worth billions of dollars, and all mineral rights thereof.
Granted. It soon turns into a temp job, and he is quickly replaced by an illegal alien that works for less.

I wish I owned an un-tapped gold mine worth billions of dollars, and all mineral rights thereof.

Granted, it is deep in a war torn country and you have no means of getting there.

I wish for health.
Granted, it is deep in a war torn country and you have no means of getting there.

I wish for health.

Granted. You are now cryogenically frozen. You'll never be sick again, but, being a corpsicle, you'll never know. :devious:

I wish I owned 38% of microsoft and 42% of Bunjie...
Granted. The stock certificates are dated October 1929, though.

I wish I could find a local buyer for my jukebox offering a fair price for it.
Granted, but the next owner tries to pull a Fonzie on it, it shatters and rips up his hand bad and they sue you for damages as a result of selling a defective jukebox.

I wish I didn't have insomnia.
Granted, but the next owner tries to pull a Fonzie on it, it shatters and rips up his hand bad and they sue you for damages as a result of selling a defective jukebox.

I wish I didn't have insomnia.

Granted. Now you have narcolepsy.

I wish I didn't snore so loud...