

New Member

... ok, i wanted to find the edit button... why is there no edit button on older posts? i'm trying to reduce the number of google hits i get for my full name :(

... ok, i wanted to find the edit button... why is there no edit button on older posts? i'm trying to reduce the number of google hits i get for my full name :(

Thats to keep people from going back and deleting/editing content that may make the replies to said poster irrelevant .I believe it was instituted because of "certain" members,but is in general a good idea.I know what you mean ,I've Googled myself ,only to have OTC pop-up.I imagine it might be worse if I were looking for employment.
yeah, i had an incident at WORK today where i was called into a meeting about content on my website... i have a quotes page, and i had quoted some coworkers... and i work in a courthouse... so i got reamed out.
and it made me make my livejournal, facebook, and myspace all friends-only, and i've been working diligently at minimizing my obvious online presence in the past few hours. it's sad :(
it was very creepy. they did have a point... angry litigants could go digging up dirt on lawyers and judges and funny things these people have said outside of court could come up and be used against them... but it is definitely creepy to walk into a meeting and be like, "what's this about?" and have the answer be, "well, we found your blog"....
i don't think my heart has stopped palpitating since 2:00 this afternoon.