

Well-Known Member
So...I'm hooked on puzzles and this one's got my attention. It's been around for centuries and is simple to play (rules are easy)...but can be devilish as well.

Anyone play sudoku?


here's a medium difficulty puzzle.
Rules: The squares are filled in with the number's 1-9
No row can include the same number twice
No column can include the same number twice
No 'box' (9 squares surrounded by bold lines) can contain the same number twice.

Wanna give it a try? Play it already?
FluerVanderloo said:
We sell books of it at work for 6 bucks. I can pick you up one at 40% then another 20% off and mail it to you if you want.
That's sweet of you. :blush:

I've got a Sudoku programme for my Palm Pilot which does them there must be hundreds or thousands online for free.

I'm looking for similar interests in members of OTC.
Oh no I definately bought one, it's addictive. Just offering is all while I can get them cheap.

I played this one last night that kept me up for 2 hours. I even put off my paper for it so I'm scrambling to get it done now.
My best time for medium hard ones is about 27 minutes... I'm looking for freakishly difficult ones now. :alienhuh: Just a sucker for punishment, I guess.


The Sudoku can wait until 2am, when you're done :S
Sudoku war? Interesting! but not free :( time ont he puzzle above is 32min 42seconds. Less if you discount the constant distractions that a 3 1/2 year old can cause while waiting to see his doc
I just bought it for my mother at work as they came in today (weird coincidence that it was today you started this since I haven't been around in nearly a month), she loves those puzzles. I get addicted to that pretty quick too, but I know if I want one I'll have to get my own, she'll never give it back now.
FluerVanderloo said:
I just got done, and it is the most beautiful collection of BS I have ever written.
You'll top it at least twice during your sophomore year, if my sophomore year is any indicator.
my Mom does those too, they look frustrating, like a lot of guess and check. is there any sort of strategy other than plug some numbers in and start fixing?
There are a few tricks to finding the correct numbers... in the tougher ones, you end up filling all the damn squares with potential answers, then the tricks come into play. Lets say that you get two squares with possible answers like 1,9 in the same line or box....therefore, no other squares in that line or box can have 1 or 9 as part of their potential answer.

In a line or box, look at all the possible answers for all teh squares. If one square has a possible number that none of the others have...that is the correct number for that square.

There are more elaborate ones for trios of squares... also, I believe there's one involving all of the box's centres being numbered 1-9

I'm getting into the intersected Sudoku... basically several puzzles with parts of each intersecting part of another. Freakishly difficult.
I have completed that puzzle...a few months ago...didn't time myself but I'd guess 20-ish minutes...I think it was less than one TV show.