Study: 1 out of 4 homeless are veterans


New Member
WASHINGTON - Veterans make up one in four homeless people in the United States, though they are only 11 percent of the general adult population, according to a report to be released Thursday.

And homelessness is not just a problem among middle-age and elderly veterans. Younger veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan are trickling into shelters and soup kitchens seeking services, treatment or help with finding a job.

The Veterans Affairs Department has identified 1,500 homeless veterans from the current wars and says 400 of them have participated in its programs specifically targeting homelessness.

The National Alliance to End Homelessness, a public education nonprofit, based the findings of its report on numbers from Veterans Affairs and the Census Bureau. 2005 data estimated that 194,254 homeless people out of 744,313 on any given night were veterans.

In comparison, the VA says that 20 years ago, the estimated number of veterans who were homeless on any given night was 250,000.

Some advocates say the early presence of veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan at shelters does not bode well for the future. It took roughly a decade for the lives of Vietnam veterans to unravel to the point that they started showing up among the homeless. Advocates worry that intense and repeated deployments leave newer veterans particularly vulnerable.

"We're going to be having a tsunami of them eventually because the mental health toll from this war is enormous," said Daniel Tooth, director of veterans affairs for Lancaster County, Pa.

While services to homeless veterans have improved in the past 20 years, advocates say more;_ylt=AhbUVPljA.Bm5trl5wb.rJ0E1vAI
Trying to support the troops on the home-front.

Its amazing the effects it has on vetrans when they come home and find the ungrateful 'squeeky-wheel" left hates them, be-littles and makes every effort to criminalize them.
hmmmm where are the flag wavers now?

right here is one.

I know several, and do what I can.:usa:

It's a damn shame, that it's like everything else, in that there is Some help,
but it seems to be who you know.
Damn politicians.:hmm:
if one in four bums is a vet, does that mean the other 75% are liberals?
i met someone recently that's trying to pitch a CD product to banks. she's got a few small ones signed up. i volunteered to help her (website, etc) but she hasn't gotten back to me yet.

the deal is that the CD is 6 months, no minimum, 4% interest. half the interest goes to you. half the interest goes to state-run veterans funds that help folks, say, if they come back from iraq and their house is being foreclosed er something.

i wouldn't hestitate to drop $10k into something like that.
Yeah, that's it. :laugh:

I guess that working at the stand-down for four years, and my wife working it for the last seven years wouldn't give me any insight would it.

Stand down . . .

This is annual event to assist these folks to access the help that may be too difficult for them to access on their own. Not just for three days, but we make every effort to get then to continue the assitance with a commitment to let us help them work thru the many complex processes - all for free for as long as it takes.

Many organizations are involved. We represent/ed Mental Health, we offered the immediate and long term care.

We offer/offered:

  • Immediate, onsite Mental Health counseling and intervention.
  • Long term Tx including housing, counseling, food.
  • We would explain the resource available and how and where to access them.
  • We would attened as they attened "homeless-court" a legitamate judiciuary before a State Judge in good standing and free legal counsel from GBLA . . . also ON SITE!

IF we could link them (get them to commit) we would begin the long-term care. Each case handled individually and to the specific needs and wants of the consumer.
  • Psyc. Dx, Tx, Rx (assement, treatment, medication) with continued medication checks weekly until stable, then monthly PRN.
  • Long term housing ranging from homeless shelter to rehabs to 1940-50's era hotels that have contracted for this specific purpose. All three have onsite Mental health counseling, including individual, and Grx's daily. Two of the sites we have Psyc Med-checks one day a week, and MH staff 5 days/wk onsite. (the hotels are like very small apartments, private, with their own keys.
  • We get them linked to medical Tx for their health needs.
  • We offer daily Grx and individual Tx as needed.
  • We get them to all their appointments.
  • We begin the process for vetrans benifits.
  • We begin the process for Soc. Sec. benifits (title II and XVI)
  • we begin the process for food-stamps.
  • We begin the process for MIA (Medically Indigent Adult) - FREE full medical benifits. (...huh!)
If appropriate:
  • We begin the process for unemployment benifits.
  • When the consumer is ready, begin the process for Educational assistance and grants.

Thats for openers, is what flag waving patriots do.

We do not abandon the individual, although they are free to quit at anytime.

Why don't I do that anymore? Because I found it frustrating on TWO specific points.

1. - I didn't care for the bureaucratic bullshit of only helping to to the point of mainatance, the Gov't DOES NOT want to see these people recover, they want them in the system to continue $$$$$ rolling in.​

2. - I got tired of seeing healthy lazy people (vets and non-vets) that had no business receiving services and getting "pointers" on how to fake their way thru the processes. I've seen $15k/mo in services for people who were faking it to get the free $1k/mo​

....yea, the dept is ran by extreme liberals that focus on $$$ under the guise of helping.

One individual I met at the Stand-Down and worked directly with for 3 years, is now employed by his home state of *confidential identifying information* and is the 'Mental Health Patients Rights Advocate', top dog for that state.

Thats just ONE of the ~50 vets I've helped long term.

...So what vetran contact do you qualify your opinion on?

Don't absolve yourself from guilt, what you preach affects all these folks, some more than others. 'specially those that are already predisposed to mental illness or addiction.
if one in four bums is a vet, does that mean the other 75% are liberals?

"Veterans make up one in four homeless people in the United States, though they are only 11 percent of the general adult population, according to a report to be released Thursday."

That would mean you're assuming anyone who is not a vet is a liberal. In which case 89% of the population would be liberals. Nice thought, but your logic is retarded.
What did I preach now? I just linked an article.

I have a tendancy to look beyond just a single post. But for fun, explain to me why you posted the article if it doesn't conform to your usual crap.

Playing stupid is no excuse for being stupid.
I thought the article was interesting and it's a shame that this many vets are homeless.

Making up positions to blather against is pretty stupid and you're likely to get called on it.
...fair enough

I found it interesting too. I was offering some insight as to most universal issure that these guys report during therapy. You just happen to fit the profile of those who promote disdain for the job our troops do as common political fodder, truth or lies, it doesn't matter to you.

...Got a problem with me pointing that out? ...Bash our troops with crap and white-washed lies, expect no less in return.
it's a shame that this many vets are homeless.

That is EXACTLY why I expressed my thoughts and clinical experince. You my friend, promote the problem, and my guess is you really don't give shit, ot you might do something to help.

I think you posted it becuase you want to imply/qualify that its Bushes fault.

...plain and simple.
...fair enough

I found it interesting too. I was offering some insight as to most universal issure that these guys report during therapy.

The most universal issue id Post Traumatic Stress.

You just happen to fit the profile of those who promote disdain for the job our troops do as common political fodder, truth or lies, it doesn't matter to you.

There you go making up positions to blather against again. Just can't stop huh?

...Bash our troops with crap and white-washed lies, expect no less in return.

Where did that happen? There you go again.

Do you ever have anything rational, pertinent, or interesting to say? It's always the same silly childish insults and rhetoric.

Grow up already.
Well again your magicals insight would be wrong.

Anxiety disorders, like PTSDO, are common but usually don't usually derail daily life. In most people it doesn't qualify to the point of being diagnosed. Usually its a momentary issue that is simply dealt with by the individuals personal strengths (something most liberals know little about).

Whereas Affective Mood Disorders and Adjustment Disorders affect you every minute of everyday, they derail lives into the dirt. Which is what my post refers to. Its complicated, but . . . these folks drop out often because they "feel as-if" everyone holds their service in contempt, thus them in contempt. They hide from the world.

Do you have any idea what percentage of vetrans actually have been shot at? ... no you don't, its quite low.

I find ironic that you constantly speak loose as slippery-shit-squirt-boo-boo, then the only point you can ever make is that I make no pertinant points.

So maybe, one day, you'll actually make a point that someone can actually nail down.
The most universal issue id Post Traumatic Stress.

While there is some truth that in the context of VA mental health hospitalizations, that would be the only extent in which your statement would have any merrit.

the VA hospitalizes the bad cases PTSDO because it was a hot political issue a number of years ago.. They don't hospitalize depressed people that disassociate from active society, those folks fill the homeless shelters and underpasses all over the place.

At best, they get medication support occasionally. They are homeless, they dont' have the resources to mainatain a Tx regimine and have to pick-up their meds whereas the VA usually mails out medication.

Mail to: GI Joe PFC (ret)
Some where in the 90210 or 90211 zipcodes (check dumpsters and abandoned structures)