Still Alive


New Member
I am still alive.. moved into a new place with my gf and haven't got any net access yet.. good thing i found a wireless connection ;)

i hope to be back on full time soon...ttyl all
wow, welcome back!! :D

btw, is it illegal in Canada to steal internet through a wireless connection?
Professur said:
Define steal.

Get unauthorized access to a wireless connection.

Consider unauthorized as without consent of the owner.
hmm... i dont know much about computers.. i have a laptop it has a wireless card and connected... :D i don't know whos it is.. of course i could always go setup my router and say i thought it was connected to
Professur said:
Define steal.
eh, i wonder how many people that has stopped from doing it. a buddy of mine still hasn't bothered to get broadband at his apartment because enough of his neighbors have wireless he can leech off.
The paper ran a story last week of a couple taken into custody after being raided and their computer confiscated for child porn. A few weeks later, they found out it was an ISP error. Cops gave them the offending IP which was mistyped, returning an address of the innocent residents.

Although vaugely related to the above topic, I'd think stories like this would scare people into locking down their wide-open APs. I sure as hell am not going to jail so some passer-by can get their jollies off or their music fix on my dime. Try explaining that to the cops.