State of the Union Drinking Game


Well-Known Member
The Barack Obama 2011 State of the Union Drinking Game

NEEDED TO PLAY: 4 taxpayers of any sex: 1 rich white banker- type wearing dark suit with loosened tie. 2 ordinary folks wearing jeans; 1 in a blue or flannel work shirt, the other in a white shirt, sleeves rolled up. 1 poor bedraggled person wearing clothes that look like they were retrieved from the bottom of a rodeo dumpster behind the animal performer stalls.


Every time Barack H Obama mentions bipartisanship, everybody has to drink 2 shots of beer. If he talks about the lessons of Tucson, the last person to throw their arms in the air, fall to their knees and shout "Hallelujah!" has to drink 1 entire beer.

....more at the SanFranChron

Us non drinkers will just play OBAMA-BINGO

well, at least Nancy won't be popping up like a groundhog every time there's an applause.

So, I don't guess I'll have the urge to drink.:cocktail:

I wonder if someone else will holler out "YOU LIE!".:alienlol: