State of the Union Address


Well-Known Member
Woo Hoo, I was the first one to start a State of the Union Address thread this year.

Predictions? forecasts?, Bets?

I predict the pres. will make more history.
I think he'll tell more lies, half-truths, and what he thinks are appeasements than
and any previous pres. in the history of our country.
I will have to read about it. I can't take the droning echoing voice, the head swiveling, the elitistism & self-righteousness that oozes from my TV every time he appears on it.
Palin's advice to Barry on SoTU:

Mr. President: Please Try, "I'm Listening, People," Instead of "Listen Up, People!"

We’ve now seen three landslide Republican victories in three states that President Obama carried in 2008. From the tea parties to the town halls to the Massachusetts Miracle, Americans have tried to make their opposition to Washington’s big government agenda loud and clear. But the President has decided that this current discontent isn’t his fault, it’s ours. He seems to think we just don’t understand what’s going on because he hasn’t had the chance – in his 411 speeches and 158 interviews last year – to adequately explain his policies to us.

Instead of sensibly telling the American people, “I’m listening,” the president is saying, “Listen up, people!” This approach is precisely the reason people are upset with Washington. Americans understand the president’s policies. We just don’t agree with them. But the president has refused to shift focus and come around to the center from the far left. Instead he and his old campaign advisers are regrouping to put a new spin on the same old agenda for 2010.

Americans aren’t looking for more political strategists. We’re looking for real leadership that listens and delivers results. The president’s former campaign adviser is now calling on supporters to “get on the same page,” but what’s on that page? He claims that the president is “resolved” to “keep fighting for” his agenda, but we’ve already seen what that government-growth agenda involves, and frankly the hype doesn’t give us much hope. Real health care reform requires a free market approach; real job creation involves incentivizing, not punishing, the job-creators; reining in the “big banks” means ending bailouts; and stopping “the undue influence of lobbyists” means not cutting deals with them behind closed doors.

Instead of real leadership, though, we’ve had broken promises and backroom deals. One of the worst: candidate Obama promised to go through the federal budget “with a scalpel,” but President Obama spent four times more than his predecessor. Want more? Candidate Obama promised that lobbyists “won’t find a job in my White House,” but President Obama gave at least a dozen former lobbyists top administration jobs. Candidate Obama promised us that we could view his health care deliberations openly and honestly on C-SPAN, but President Obama cut deals behind closed doors with industry lobbyists. Candidate Obama promised us that we would have at least five days to read all major legislation, but President Obama rushed through bills before members of Congress could even read them.

Candidate Obama promised us that his economic stimulus package would be targeted and pork-free, but President Obama signed a stimulus bill loaded with pork and goodies for corporate cronies. Candidate Obama railed against Wall Street greed, but President Obama cozied up to bankers as he extended and expanded their bailouts. Candidate Obama promised us that for “Every dollar that I’ve proposed [in spending], I’ve proposed an additional cut so that it matches.” We’re still waiting to see how President Obama will cut spending to match the trillion he’s spent.

More than anything, Americans were promised jobs, but the president’s stimulus package has failed to stem our rising unemployment rate. Maybe it was unfair to expect that an administration with so little private sector experience would understand something about job creation. How many Obama Administration officials have ever had to make a payroll or craft a business plan in the private sector? How many have had to worry about not having the resources to invest and expand? The president’s big government policies have made hiring a new employee a difficult commitment for employers to make. Ask yourself if the Obama Administration has done anything to make it easier for employers to hire. Have they given us any reassurance that the president will keep taxes low and not impose expensive new regulations?

Candidate Obama over-promised; President Obama has under-delivered. We understand you, Mr. President. We’ve listened to you again and again. We ask that you now listen to the American people.

- Sarah Palin
Oft-repeated catch phrase of the night?

1. Let me be clear

2. Jobs created

3. Inherited

4. I

5. Me

6. My

7. Make no mistake

8. Both sides of the isle

9. Eight years of

10. Back from the brink
State of the Obamanation

I can't take the droning echoing voice, the head swiveling, the elitistism & self-righteousness.

I'd rather be waterboarded, to DEATH!

At least that wouldn't take another 3 years to be over.
So..he's betting against it, then. No real's a fool bet. He's about as ready to say that as he is of saying something stupid, like "You betcha"
One year of wrecking the country.

1. Let me be clear (I lie!)

2. Jobs created (well lost actually)

3. Inherited (shuckin' responsiblity)

4. I I I

5. Me Me Me Me

6. My Mine Me It's all about me

7. Make no mistake (that's my job)

8. Both sides of the aisle (hate me)

9. Eight years of (what I should start doing)

10. Back from the brink (over the falls, like my polls)

Blame Boosh!
What I think won't be heard, if he says anything about what Needs to be done, is...
what group of groups of people it will affect.
How it will affect each group, and why.

It just seems he's still in the "different rules for different groups" mode.
I'm not talking about communism, I'm just talking about his elitism.

If he's going to go after the so-called Rich, will it be spread fairly over that group,
or will 'favorites' Sill be played through loopholes...
Re: One year of wrecking the country.

Oft-repeated catch phrase of the night?

1. Let me be clear

2. Jobs created

3. Inherited

4. I

5. Me

6. My

7. Make no mistake

8. Both sides of the isle

9. Eight years of

10. Back from the brink

1. Let me be clear (I lie!)

2. Jobs created (well lost actually)

3. Inherited (shuckin' responsiblity)

4. I I I

5. Me Me Me Me

6. My Mine Me It's all about me

7. Make no mistake (that's my job)

8. Both sides of the aisle (hate me)

9. Eight years of (what I should start doing)

10. Back from the brink (over the falls, like my polls)

Blame Boosh!

I wonder IF, and How the word 'transparency' might be used.
So..he's betting against it, then. No real's a fool bet. He's about as ready to say that as he is of saying something stupid, like "You betcha"

12/1 God Bless America

14/1 War on terror

33/1 Divided, we are bound to fail

40/1 We can work together to keep our country safe

66/1 Legacy of our forbearers

66/1 Where I learned the meaning of my Christian faith
Event - Instructions

Obama says "let me be clear" - Do one shot

Obama says "change isn't easy" - Do one shot

Obama says "make no mistake" - Do one shot

Obama says "Let me be clear, change isn't easy, make no mistake." - He's screwing with you to get you drunk, so five shots

Joe Wilson yells something - Do two shots

Obama yells back - Finish the bottle

Obama says "jobs" - Do one shot, two if you're unemployed

Obama says "health care" - Do not drink, you will not be given a replacement liver

Nancy Pelosi claps like a seal - Do one shot

Nancy Pelosi becomes a seal - STOP DRINKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

Obama mentions Bo - Put beer in your dog's water bowl

Michelle Obama wears a sleeveless dress - Do one shot

Joe Biden nods-off/laughs inappropriately/starts talking before the speech is over - Do three shots

Obama uses the term "Congressional leadership" - Do two shots carefully as all that laughing will make it difficult to swallow

Obama says he's "fighting for you" - Do one shot, two if you believe him