
The truth........erm...

Your the secret envoy for the little purple people from Alpha Centauri? :confused:

That's me best guess anyway....
*goes to get the mop bucket*

hold on, I'll be there in a minute... stupid customers making messes everywhere.... oh wait, I'm not at work... *continues mumbling incoherently to himself*
I know how you feel. When I was working at New England Pizza, every time I would go there to buy pizza instead of work, it was weird seeing people get up and leave without having to go clean off the table.
You know what really bugs me? It's when I'm finished work, and I'm not wearing my name badge and hat, and I've got a jacket on, and I'm wheeling the trolley around buying groceries, and the damned customers ask me where something is cos they can see the uniform on underneath the jacket. For fuckssake, can't you go ask someone who's obviously working?! :grumpy:
I once went to OfficeMax to buy some stuff while I was still working at the Dish Network job. I had on my green Dish Network polo shirt. Two separate people asked me where stuff was, even though my shirt was green and said "Dish Network" on it, while the OfficeMax employees were wearing light blue, button-front shirts that said "OfficeMax" on them.
The worst is when I'm already punched out, got my coat on or whatever, and they ask me to get more paper towels (or whatever) that are on sale out of the stockroom for them because they're out on the shelf. It isn't just the customers though, one of my assistant managers has called me at home asking me how to put things on clearance. :banghead:
the worst is when someone walks into a radio shack, asks for a battery, and then stands there. And gets mad when you ask them what type.
no...the worst is when the phone rings and once I answer it I get a 20 minute speech from some senior citzen telling me how her daughter's ruining her life, and how music is corrupting the children of today, and asking me how I will be handling the gay-marriage issue in Sunday's sermon etc...until I can get a word in say "I'm not the priest m'am, but if you'll hold on a sec, I'll pass you to him"

It happens all that damn time...people so much in hurry to confess, that they don't care who they're speaking with. :p
At least they have an excuse; you work at a church.

My parents' phone number is one digit off from one of the supermarkets in town. My mom took quite a few sick calls for a while.
MrBishop said:
no...the worst is when the phone rings and once I answer it I get a 20 minute speech from some senior citzen telling me how her daughter's ruining her life, and how music is corrupting the children of today, and asking me how I will be handling the gay-marriage issue in Sunday's sermon etc...until I can get a word in say "I'm not the priest m'am, but if you'll hold on a sec, I'll pass you to him"

It happens all that damn time...people so much in hurry to confess, that they don't care who they're speaking with. :p

Oh man, I'd be soooo tempted to "play priest" in that'd prolly get me the sack......but it could be hellish fun :D