So, things have been slow around here


New Member
and it's been months since I built a new system. As a result, i'm just about to do my first system build using Windows XP (Home).

Any suggestions/pitfalls to watch for?
Seriously, just spend as much money as you can afford on it, get as much ram as possible, Don't skimp on the video card like I did, you'll regret it.
I just upgraded my Dad's computer last week and had to reinstall the antivirus and EZCD creator, then get the patch for the 'drive not supported' message I got but other than that, it was relatively painless.

It's definately the longest setup I've had to go through though. Plan to spend a few hours.
If you are running a network at home and are using a domain you will need pro. Home ver doesnt allow for domain connections. It takes a couple hours even on the fast comps. Have a book or a movie handy. And what ever you do tell it classic view in the control panel. :D :D
lol Sam you are so right.

I still have to show my Dad how to use it. God help me, it will probably take longer than the setup program. :eh:
I wasn't just talking about the setup program, I was including the reinstallation of the apps and drivers that aren't compatible, changing the system settings to your liking, etc. It also depends on the specs of the computer, my Dad's 900mhz took over an hour just for the setup program.
yea apps and all, but still takes way to long just for XP. can we all say BLOATWARE?????
Bloatware? From Microsoft? Who are you kidding? If you just skip the Easter Eggs they hide, you'll see that Windows only takes up 1 meg of HDD space... :D
I have the added "attraction" that this guy wants to watch me build the system, and then we're going to have to bring over his data files from his old machine. It's going to be a lovely 2 day process, I can feel it.
Did ya see where I wrote "budget driven"? The whole system is $850. He ain't putting $300 into a vid card.
This isn't an upgrade. It's a new system build. As such, and with his budget, I didn;t want to go too high on a vid card when he was also demandeing an 80 gig HD, at least a 2000+ CPU, and 512 MB DDR RAM. Kinda cut down my options a bit.
HomeLAN said:
I have the added "attraction" that this guy wants to watch me build the system, and then we're going to have to bring over his data files from his old machine. It's going to be a lovely 2 day process, I can feel it.

Just kill him now, HomeLan, really. Just kill him now.