So much for the Korean cease-fire

They should act...on the tax cuts. Other than that, I prefer my Congress deadlocked.
You propose allowing the cuts to expire? That'll be cool. Then we can hit that magical 15% unemployment figure & the last 2 years will be seen as practice.

Lower taxes increase revenue. Always have. But, if some of you wish to raise taxes on the knife edge of recovery, so be it. Who am I to stand in the way of progress?
But look at all the free shit waiting to be looted once shit really goes down.

I've been "window shopping" and eyeballing some large screen TV's. Like any good LA riot but on a national scale.
You propose allowing the cuts to expire? That'll be cool. Then we can hit that magical 15% unemployment figure & the last 2 years will be seen as practice.

Lower taxes increase revenue. Always have. But, if some of you wish to raise taxes on the knife edge of recovery, so be it. Who am I to stand in the way of progress?

right. i misread your post as suggesting new tax cuts. i don't think it would be very bright to roll back the bush tax cuts. you can put away the rag now. :brow2:
For gawd sake
it's a freakin' TAX INCREASE

The stupid, it burns!

slash Government spending to 1.1 trillion for fiscal 2011
Make the abolishment of the Death Tax permanent
Screw the Boosh tax thing, cut the top rate to 29%
run cap gains down to ZERO
and get the fuck outta the way!

Butt no none of this could ever happen

Run this country further into the dirt Who Cares anymore?