Snow tires to become Mandatory!


Well-Known Member
:canada: You'd figured that this would've become happened before now but... the minister for Transport is thinking of making snow tires mandatory from November to April. (no link yet).

Frankly, I know that they're expensive...but 4-season tires are next to useless in winter. Especially up here.

D' ya own snow tires? d'ya use them? Use studded tires? Chains? Or do you give the :finger: to us Northern places and sit back in your 80deg. weather and drink f'n pina colatas all day! :D's reasons like this that my snow-tires will be going on this week...they should've gone on 2 weeks ago but...shit happens :D
MrBishop said:
D' ya own snow tires? d'ya use them? Use studded tires? Chains? Or do you give the :finger: to us Northern places and sit back in your 80deg. weather and drink f'n pina colatas all day! :D

The latter ;)
I'm all for the f'n pina coladas, but, believe it or not, sometimes it actually snows here in SC. They close schools and state government offices at the threat of a dusting of snow... :rolleyes:
Gato_Solo said:
I'm all for the f'n pina coladas, but, believe it or not, sometimes it actually snows here in SC. They close schools and state government offices at the threat of a dusting of snow... :rolleyes:

Yeah...I've heard stories about certain states having 1/4 of a snowplow and calling out the National Guard if more than 2" drop. :D

I'm guessing that you don't ahve to worry about snow-tires, then?
MrBishop said:
Yeah...I've heard stories about certain states having 1/4 of a snowplow and calling out the National Guard if more than 2" drop. :D

I'm guessing that you don't ahve to worry about snow-tires, then?

I use all-season tires...and I drive, sometimes, if all the parts are working, an Audi Quattro. I've gone to PA in winter, and had no problems...:shrug: Sue me... :D
We see snow maybe every other year, and then it's maybe 2 inches. Frankly, one day out of 700 doesn't seem to justify the cost....
HomeLAN said:
We see snow maybe every other year, and then it's maybe 2 inches. Frankly, one day out of 700 doesn't seem to justify the cost....

I've seen the videos...They should have background music by Paul Simon...Think about it... :D
HomeLAN said:
We see snow maybe every other year, and then it's maybe 2 inches. Frankly, one day out of 700 doesn't seem to justify the cost....

Buying a coupla 4x4s with a plow on the front would do the trick then...or rather just buy the strap-on plows. I'm sure that Georgia can russle up a couple of pickups :D
I used to use all season tires, but have been using winter ones for the last few years. They've saved me having an accident numerous times.

I don't want snow. :crying4:
I think snow tires are mandatory here in Sweden between December 1st and March 31st, and I personally think it's a very good idea. The roads around here can be very treacherous after some sub-zero C rain/hailstorms/blizzards/whatever.
MrBishop said:
Frankly, I know that they're expensive...but 4-season tires are next to useless in winter. Especially up here.

Don't lump me in with you lot,I probably get less snow than Gato.
A.B.Normal said:
Don't lump me in with you lot,I probably get less snow than Gato. and my cousin! Blasted Vancouverites! j/k

/me mumbles something about not being *real* Canadians unless you have to shovel at least 6ft of snow per year.

I drive with all seasons. I've never had a problem. I don't worry about my winter driving, I've had a couple "slips" in the winter but have been saved by my own reactions and knowledge about how to handle the situation.

In short, it's the idiots on the road that worry me when it comes to winter driving. I will not drive in the first snow of the year because the number of people who are probably driving in it and have never seen snow before scares me.

Now, when it comes to rain...I HATE driving in rain!
Nixy said:
I drive with all seasons. I've never had a problem. I don't worry about my winter driving, I've had a couple "slips" in the winter but have been saved by my own reactions and knowledge about how to handle the situation.

In short, it's the idiots on the road that worry me when it comes to winter driving. I will not drive in the first snow of the year because the number of people who are probably driving in it and have never seen snow before scares me.

Now, when it comes to rain...I HATE driving in rain!

I bet you have front wheel drive,that is great for snow.