Smelly Cat

Stop Laughing

New Member
I never had to give my first cat a bath, she was very dainty and lazy. Of course, my new cat has to be the exact opposite. He managed to find a hole in the basement window and got out last night. He's gotten out before, and got caught, and he's broken the barricades we've set up there too, but at least he always came back. We weren't home until midnight but when we discovered he wasn't there we searched for 3 hours over the neighborhood but found no sign of him. Eventually we went to sleep, and when I woke up early I saw the snotball on top of the dresser in another room like he usually does in the morning. I went up to him and was blown away by the stench, he smelled like dogshit or skunk. Immediately I started the bath and let him have it (he still isn't afraid of water, didn't make it any easier though) and managed to clean out most of it, but there's still a lingering bit of the smell on him. I'm gonna try the tomato juice bath after my mom finishes the grocery shopping, and that should get it out. Any suggestions if this fails?
Smelly Cat
Smelly cat, smelly cat
What are they feeding you?
Smelly cat, smelly cat
It's not your fault

They won't take you to the vet
You're obviously not their favorite pet
You may not be a bed of roses
And you're no friend to those with noses

*Repeat Chorus*
Did your cat or dog get sprayed during your weekend away at the cabin? Keep your pet outdoors until you get rid of the obnoxious skunk odor with the following solution.

Try this :

1. Mix 4 c. hydrogen peroxide with 4 tbsp. baking soda and 1 tsp. dish-washing soap.

2. Put cotton balls in your pet's ears to protect the inner-ear tissue from the cleaning mixture, which could easily drip in.

3. Don rubber gloves to protect your hands during this process.

4. Start with your pet's head, taking care not to get the solution into his eyes, ears or mouth. Apply a drop of olive or baby oil to his eyes to prevent irritation.

5. Rub the mixture evenly into your pet's coat. It will probably be more pleasant to do this outdoors.

6. Rinse the coat with clean water.

7. Repeat if the smell persists.

Tomato juice also neutralizes the effects of skunk odor. Rub it into your pet's fur, let it soak for approximately 15 minutes, then wash it off with water.
Which you said you did?
Mare said:
Tomato juice also neutralizes the effects of skunk odor. Rub it into your pet's fur, let it soak for approximately 15 minutes, then wash it off with water.
Do NOT, under any circumstances, leave the unused (or reclaimed) portion of tomato sauce in the fridge for a second bath! If you feel that you must, tell everyone what the sauce was used for!

*MrBishop remembers the horrible-tasting spaghetti because 'someone who shall remain nameless' accidentally used left-over sauce as part of a recipie. (nope, it wasn't me and it wasn't MrsBish)