
New Member
Why are you on this forum but not on MSN :crying3:

Are you leaving me here all alone at work? :crying3:

Before you know it, I might actually start to.... to..... work :sick:
Oops :blush:

Yeah, but I've got a better idea: let's raise some hell here instead, he can't mod here :D
Where is he?!?!?!? :yell:

He said he's be home at 6:00pm his time!!!

:bitchslap: Shadowfax for making us all wait for him!!!
Ugh...I feel sick...

And I didn't have MSN this morning, and I had to go to class this morning, hadn't had time to install it. I'm sorry :)
There's no excuse for not installing MSN
First install MSN, put a nice away message on there so all your friends'll get jealous and then have sex...