Secrets of Aids 'immunity'

Luis G

Staff member


Some patients can block the development of HIV[/siz]

Scientists have identified why some HIV patients are immune from developing full-blown Aids.

It has been known for some time that around 2% of HIV patients were protected in some way.

But now, American and Chinese researchers have identified a group of proteins in the body which naturally block HIV developing into Aids.
I've got a much easier way to protect myself against AIDS.

"Don't put your dick where it doesn't belong."

AIDS transmission drops to blood transfusions and drug addicts. Maybe a 100th of today's transmission rate.
ohhhhh yeah i fully agree with you, but there's also innocent people, imagine your wife cheats on you and then she passes the virus to you.
i don't know about your amendments.....can you tell me what it says?
i rather take the vaccine way, get a divorce and continue with my life.
Luis G said:
ohhhhh yeah i fully agree with you, but there's also innocent people, imagine your wife cheats on you and then she passes the virus to you.

then get a better wife. raise your standards to one who won't cheat. one who has the cajones to say piss off before adding "and die".
i was talking about innocent people (which can also be foolish, but that's another subject), not about me or him.
Victims of rape are innocent. They had no intent on giving or receiving bodily fluids at that point in time. So are those who received bad blood during surgery...I believe that's what Luis was talking about when he said 'innocent'.
yeap, those are the innocent i was talking about. Seriously guys, not everybody that is infected got the virus because of having sex with everybody.
Aunty Em said:
i was talking about innocent people
According to the church (al la catholicism) no one is innocent, we are all born with original sin.

k, here it goes, the original sin is removed in bauptism, and the fathers are the ones that are accepting the religion for him, then at certain age there's the "confirmation", where he voluntarily embraces the religion and he also gets a bitchslap to take the devil out of him/her :p
Luis G said:
yeap, those are the innocent i was talking about. Seriously guys, not everybody that is infected got the virus because of having sex with everybody.

Like innocent babies who contract the disease from their mothers.