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Stop Laughing

New Member
...benign! Just two calcium buildups in her right breast, not cancerous. All that worry for nothing. No chemo for my mother, I don't know if she could've handled another round of that again. Thankfully it's not an issue anymore and we're through with the hospitals for now! :)
that's great, SL! that must've been way too stressful for all involved.
I'm so happy for you, cancer is something that should not exist.
Stop Laughing said:
...benign! Just two calcium buildups in her right breast, not cancerous. All that worry for nothing. No chemo for my mother, I don't know if she could've handled another round of that again. Thankfully it's not an issue anymore and we're through with the hospitals for now! :)
That's great, SL! :D
AB Normal said:
Pants We're given just gowns here,unless you've knicked 'em all.

Gowns here too. I don't know about yours, but ours don't meet in the back either.
A.B.Normal said: wonder the shrieking :evilgrin:

If you piss and moan enough (hey, it's a talent) they'll give you two and you can put the second one on backwards and be covered. I'll grant you that I'm a pudgy fucker, but I wonder what really fat people do.
Probably like I would do if admitted to the hospital... just wear it backwards so my ass is covered. :D
chcr said:
If you piss and moan enough (hey, it's a talent) they'll give you two and you can put the second one on backwards and be covered. I'll grant you that I'm a pudgy fucker, but I wonder what really fat people do.
we have the equivalent of hospital gown mumu's.

thats great news SL.
Thanks everyone. Don't remind me of those gowns (almost anything at the hospital makes me queasy), and if she would've worn it like Inky would've, I'd be blind right now.